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Haechan was looking at her as his mind went back to the series of past events that changed his whole life. "My real mother, the one who gave birth to me, she died."

Weiwei had a look of surprise on her face, she couldn't help but sympathise him. And here she thought he had a perfect family. Her hand going to settle on top of his, her thumb grazing over his knuckles. "You know it's fine we don't have to talk about this."

The boy smiled and shook his head as a no. Flipping his hand so that their palms were in contact, he intertwined thier fingers. "I want to let it out."

She didn't know what else to say so she only squeezed thier hands, giving him a reassuring smile.

"My mother she was married to my father. Thier life was easygoing and happy because the mafia was going well. But when I turned 8 everything changed. They changed."

By now tears were breming in his eyes at the remembrance of his birth parents. Weiwei stood up and placed herself on his lap, withdrawing her intertwined hand with his and taking it around his neck.

Hugging him, placing her head on his shoulder, while he placed his on the dip between her shoulder and neck. "It's okay."

"No I want to say it all. My father was once the best father I could have ever deserved, but something went wrong in thier business. And he became frustrated and aggressive. He would come home and fight with my mother everyday. It came to a level where he started torturing her, and If I came to stop him, he would do that to me as well, labelling me the greatest mistake of his life."

His hands around her waist tightened. As the tears of resentment escape out of his eyes, dampening the material of cloth she was wearing.

Weiwei only ran her hand through his hair, massaging his scalp in an attempt to calm him.

"Then my father bought another woman in the household. He didn't marry her but he abducted her from somewhere, and locked her in the basement. He would go to her every night to vent his anger. My mother couldn't take it anymore, seeing her own husband  in front her eyes with another woman and she committed suicide."

"It's okay baby let it all out, I'm here." Weiwei kept cooing, giving his temple a kiss.

"And finally that woman became pregnant. It was only 2 months since my mother had died but no one was affected by it accept for me and that woman as well. And lastly it was 4 months of her pregnancy as in a raged night, she lost her child. And the most heartbreaking thing was that she would never be able to conceive in this life."

By now he was sobbing, balling the material of her cloth, his body shaking vigorously. Weiwei was constantly whispering comforting words into his ear.

"If I had not hated my father to a extreme level, that day I did. I hated him with each and every piece of life I had. That women could neither marry someone now, nor could she go back to her family, her whole life had  become a fucking joke. If anything I am the most sorry for her. She was forcefully dragged into our family and she lost everything. Thats why from that day I accepted her as my mother and she accepted me as her son. She loved me more than anything and I tried to do the same."

Weiwei was blinking her eyes at that moment of realisation. The women she met today was the same women, who suffered brutality and gave her boyfriend the love of a mother. She was thankful to that woman. Her future mother-in-law.

"I took her out of that house as soon as I became capable enough to, saving my own money I brought her this appartment. The prime moment of her life was destroyed, so I didn't want her future days to be exploited as well, I tried to keep her away from everything related to my family accept for myself."

"It's okay baby it's okay. Everything's fine now. She's happy and so are you." Weiwei spoke, her lips on his forehead as she gave him a proud smile.

He went through so many things, and now she would make sure it's only happy memories that he would hold in his mind.

"Kids dinner is ready." A knock was heard at the door.

No one answered back. Weiwei waited for him to do it and Haechan was busy to collect his thoughts.

She tried to get up from his lap, but he tightened his hold further. "Only 5 minutes please."

His voice was broken and she knew he was choking from within. He needed the hug and she gave it to him gladly. "Sure as much time you want me to hold you."

Soon they both were breaking the hug and passed each other a warm smile. But before she could get up, his hand went to her nape pulling her into him, capturing her lips into s slow kiss.

Thier lips moved slowly, sucking the alternative lips. The overwhelming feelings he felt while telling her the story, he poured  it out all into the kiss.

Weiwei could feel everything he felt through the loving moment they were sharing with each other.

Finally seperating he placed his lips on her forehead. "You are the best gift from God to me."

Weiwei smiled shyly, her face a shade of pink, intoxicated and a bit dizzy by the feeling.

"I'm sorry to disturb your moment, but  the food is getting cold." They both nodded thier head and moved out of the room.

To say Weiwei was embarrassed was a fact and  it was sure. She was hiding behind Haechan as she knew she looked like a tomato at that time.

He was holding her hand, while he had a contented grin plastered on his handsome features.

Miss Yang his mother, looked at both of them holding hands. While one was flustered the other was enjoying the moment, her own lips streched into a wide smile.

His mother proceeded to chuckle while they settled on their chairs. Finding them perfect for each other.

 Finding them perfect for each other

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