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The only person that makes me feel like myself is you.

"Hyuck you know I was too sacred today. The way Mark was bleeding I really felt as if I won't be able do anything." Weiwei said as she laid on top of Haechan on her stomach.

Haechan was lying on the bed with Weiwei on top of him. He had his hand around her waist, while the other hand on her head, massaging her scalp.

"But you did. You took out the bullet so professionally, although you took time but it was worth it. You should be proud of yourself!" Haechan had a warm smile on his face, he was already woken after his sleep. But Weiwei was still not able to sleep.

He could see she was tired. Fighting the urge to just close her eyes and sleep, as he ran his fingers through her scalp.

"Hmm... I am! Can you promise me something?" Weiwei said as she lifted her head to look at his face.

Haechan looked down at her with a mesmerized gaze. He was curious to what she wanted him to promise.

"Promise me, you would take care of yourself and would never come back in such condition!" Weiwei spoke innocently as she lifted her right hand for him to promise.

Haechan smiled warmly at her before lifting up his hand that was on her hair and intertwined thier fingers, with sealing it with thier thumb. "I promise!"

Weiwei smiled as she went back to his chest, listening to his slow and steady heartbeats. It was as if, she was hypnotized or compelled by it she soon closed her eye lids that felt heavy.

Drifting off to dreamland as almost inaudible sounds came from her mouth with her chest falling and rising in a coordinated manner.

Haechan leaned down and made his lips contact with the crown of her head, kissing it lightly he wished her. "Good night Weiwei."

Turning to the side he carefully placed her on the bed, leaning down he covered them both with the blanket, before closing his own eyes and drifting to slumber.

"You know you can't just barge inside!" Jaemin instructed to which the other boys ignored it.

"We just want to check if Weiwei is here. What's wrong with that?" Chenle asked in the most innocent voice he could afford.

All others nodded thier head saying this.

"And if you're worried, Haechan would be naked, then don't worry we are all boys, nothing would happen to us. Unless some of you are gay." Yangyang stated sarcastically.

A smile broke out on everyone's face, as they glared at him, thinking how much of a dirty minded he was.

Soon they stood in front of the door and Jisung didn't hesitate to just push it open.

All of them entered inside and stood in front of the bed.

The sight inside made some of them admire,which cooed at them.

"Oh my my they look so adorable. Cuddling like this, I told you something is going on between them!" Yangyang commented, looking like a proud father.

"I really can't, they literally look so cute!" Jaemin said as his eyes were full of admiration.

"See we told you, nothing is going to happen! They are just sleeping, that too with thier clothes!" Jeno spoke with a pout on his face.

All others nodded to him but Yangyang can never stay quite, he had to speak something.

"Don't you think it would have been nice if they were naked under the sheets, after doing the rituals at night!" Yangyang said imagining the scene.

Soon he got a punch on the back of his head by none other than Jeno, who shook his head at his mischief. "Why don't you go and get naked with Somi?"

"Ah you are late... We already did it!" Yangyang had an amused smile on his face as if he had won a lottery or an Oscar award.

All of them scrunched thier nose at this, disgusted with the boy.

Chenle shook his head before a glint of mischief flashed across his dark orbs. He tiptoed and walked with light steps until he stood beside the bed.

Jisung saw him and followed short, leaving the three who were still bickering.

"Shall we wake them up?" Chenle asked turning his head and looking at Jisung.

Jisung made a face of horror before quickly shaking his head. "I don't think so. Haechan hyung would be mad!"

"Ayi... Little Jisungi... Is scared." Chenle made an attempt to squeeze the younger boy's cheek, but he dogged it , loosing his balance he fell on the bed .

Jisung and Chenle both panicked, as Jisung was laying on Haechan's legs.

Haechan stirred, as he made a face before he groaned, and took his hand that was lazily laying on Weiwei's waist, rubbing his eyes. He flinched at the amount of light, before slightly adjusting to it.

Looking at his left he smiled at Weiwei before his attention shifted to the three boys, who stood in the middle of the room still bickering. He frowned, and turned his head, only to find Jisung still on his leg and Chenle with a panicked look.

Haechan buried his head on his pillow, before kicking the boy. Jisung fell on the ground with a low thud.

But the noises now were enough for Weiwei to mumble a low groan and throw the pillow that was near her. "Shut the fuck up!"

This caused the whole commotion to quite down. All heads turned to the girl, who was clutching the pillow that was below her head, near her ear, trying to stop the noise from entering her ears.

"Sorry!" All of them accept for Haechan said in unison.

Now Weiwei was more aggrieved, she sat up on the bed, glaring at every possible person present in the room.

"It's okay Weiwei, you can go back to sleep!* Haechan said, caressing her hair.

Weiwei glared at him too, this made Haechan to withdraw his hand from her hair with an awkward expression on his face.

Then without waiting for a second she, took the other pillow and threw it straight at the three boys, not having expected that , they got hit by it on thier foreheads. And the pillow was big enough to hit the three.

"That's for disturbing me, this early in the morning!" Saying this Weiwei stood up and went out of the room, probably back to her and Renjun's room.

The others who were still there didn't know what to speak. Haechan had a sneer on his face as he looked at Yangyang, Jaemin and Jeno. "You deserved it!"

"Yeah we deserved it, and what about you? What would you deserve for hiding the fact that you both are basically dating?"

"Yeah we deserved it, and what about you? What would you deserve for hiding the fact that you both are basically dating?"

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