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You know me the best, you know my worst see me hurt but you don't judge.

"So where is she gonna stay?" Haechan asked, as he stood lingering on the door frame

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"So where is she gonna stay?" Haechan asked, as he stood lingering on the door frame.

So particularly Haechan, Renjun, Weiwei, Mark and Jaemin were deciding on which room she should take over. The only room which was empty, was too far away from the other bedrooms, so she denied to take that room.

"I think in my room would be fine?" Renjun said which was more like a question to her.

How much ever she wanted her own space, she couldn't deny his offer. Moreover she misses thier old days, so it would be good reunion of memories.

"Ummm, I'm fine with that!" Weiwei replied ending the discussion over there.

With that she went to the room with Jaemin, while Mark, Haechan and Renjun went to her appartment to bring her things, as per the order by Taeyong.

Weiwei and Jaemin were walking silently in the corridor. Now Weiwei was observing her surroundings, everything were huge. The hallway was a dark shade of grey, only illuminated by the lamps and lights fixed on the wall.

Various old arts were hanged here and there making it a nice display. Weiwei was surely mesmerized by it.

"I guess you are liking this place.." Jaemin commented as he watched her amused expression in everything she saw.

Weiwei like an adorable little kid nodded her head, again diverting her gazes to the difference paintings hanged on the wall.

"By the way who made them?" Weiwei asked pointing her index finger to the frame.

"Ah... It's Haechan! At first he liked painting so he would paint whenever he liked, but then he lost his intrest and would only paint when he got
nightmares." Jamein explained, heaving a sigh as he thought about his friend, who was more like a brother to him.

Now looking carefully at the frames, Weiwei noticed it was indeed not so happy paintings. Some were full red like blood while some were black , every picture mostly dark colours. As if suddenly all the lights were blocked out from his world, Weiwei wondered what he went through.

"Ooh here we are!"Jaemin announced once they reached Renjun's room. He went forward and opened it.

Weiwei followed him inside, closing the door behind her.

She swept her gazes over everything in the room. The room was not that bright nor that dark. Plain blue walls, a medium sized bed in the corner, a drawer beside it, some cupboards and a table with a chair.

"So I'll leave you here, call me if you need anything. And yeah please think of this place as your own home." Jaemin smiled before going out and closing the door behind him.

Weiwei took in the atmosphere  and heaved a sigh as she thought about the things she had to do. First take out the one who killed thier father and second prove herself innocent.

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