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Maybe climbing and crossing the wall that you had built around yourself, was the best thing I ever did.

"I deserve nothing, now fuck off!" Haechan glared at the five people in the room, before getting up from the bed and straight going to the bathroom.

Chenle pouted, as he turned to Jisung who was still on the floor, with a shocked expression. "Are you planning to build a house there, how long are you going to lay there, get up!"

Jisung looked at him with an confused expression, and then he slowly nodded his head before getting up from the floor with an awkward expression, scratching the skin on the back of his neck.

"Let's go!" Chenle exclaimed and then held Jisung's arom before turning around and going to the three who stood with thier mouth open, still starring at the bed, where once Haechan and Weiwei were. "Close your mouth, or else flies would fly in!"


"Weiwei taste this!" Jaemin spoke handing some cookies to Weiwei.

Weiwei quickly took it to her mouth and munched it, her face containing an amused expression.

"It's so good, Jaemin!" Weiwei praised the chief before going to take one more.

Jaemin passed a smirk before taking the tray filled with choclate chip cookies and hosting it above his head, so that Weiwei won't be able to reach it.

Weiwei pouted, as she jumped to reach the tray. She tiptoed trying her best to gain access to the tray, but he raised it more, so that it was out of her reach.

"No no, you won't get it! You can eat it with the members later!" Jamein spoke with a teasing smile.

"Fuck no, I want it now!" Weiwei put her palm on Jaemin's chest, as she tiptoed to reach there.

Jaemin suddenly turned and now Weiwei was captured between him and the kitchen counter.

"Please, it's too tasty to resist. Please Nana~....." Weiwei made a cute face to which Jaemin melted but still stayed determined to not let her touch any other cookie.

"No please Weiwei, I told you you can eat later with the others." Jamein smiled before his one hand going to her shoulder to stay there to keep her in place.

Haechan casually strode to the kitchen as the others told him to bring the cookies that Jaemin was baking.

He walked with sloppy steps, eyes dangling everywhere as a habit. As he reached the kitchen, he strode inside with a low smile as he was humming a particular song.

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