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The whole team was on thier way home

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The whole team was on thier way home. Haechan was layed unconscious on a seat. His bullets were out, but he lost a lot of blood. Due to not having enough blood bags with them, they had to hurry home.

Moreover they still had no idea about Weiwei. Only praying in thier mind, she would be okay.

The journey ended shortly and all the members walked out from the vehicle, Mark and Renjun supporting Haechan.

They ran fast inside to the infirmary, laying him down on one of the beds. Doyoung was quick to get the blood supply and and insert him with a needle, for the blood to flow through.

As that thing was settled the next focus was Weiwei. The members ran in all directions.

Finally deciding to check the bedrooms as well, they ran to Renjun's and Weiwei's room. Even before opening the door, they stood shocked there.

Dark scarlet blood was flowing from beneath the door.

They all held thier breathe for the worst. Renjun was the first one to barge inside, not being able to hold back.

"Weiwei!" He gave a shout in astonishment, and there he saw her unconscious on the floor.

They breathed a sigh of relief, seeing it wasn't her blood. There was a man in all black dead just infront of her fainted body.

Taeyong went to check on him, while Renjun and Jaemin went to Weiwei. He checked her pulse, seeing it was normal he took her to the infirmary as well.

Doyoung then inserted her an IV drip and closed the curtains, for her to rest.

The members moved out of the room and gathered in the living room. Taeyong joined them later.

As he came he explained. "That man was from the gang we fought with today. He was dead, and I guess Weiwei shot him in his forehead."

Everyone had different expressions on thier faces. Most of them were suprised and shocked. Only Renjun was scared and anxious.

He had already had to witness her condition when she first killed that man, now again she killed someone. Even if she didn't cry that time, she would after waking up. Blaming her own self for ending someone's life. No wonder she passed out.

"Renjun, don't yell or scare them! They liked each other and maybe they were scared to tell you!" Jaehyun finally spoke about it.

Renjun closed his eyes for a moment and stood up from his place. "I need some fresh air."

No one stoped him as they knew he really needed some air, some of his own thoughts so that he could think straight. It's not like everyday you would found your sister dating your bestfriend.

His footsteps halted as he reached the rooftop. Opening the door wide and entering inside.

It somehow felt suffocating there. He could keep that matter of the two dating aside for a moment and think of the real problem now.

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