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"Where are we even going?" Weiwei asked to which Haechan gave her a sly smile and continued to look ahead, since he was driving

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"Where are we even going?" Weiwei asked to which Haechan gave her a sly smile and continued to look ahead, since he was driving.

"A surprise for you babe." Haechan responded, his eyes dangling each and every corner outside the car. Incase any one recognised Weiwei, it would be surely a very big trouble.

Weiwei only pouted her lips and looked outside of the window, the scenes passing in a blur.

Finally they reached thier destination. Haechan stopped the car and parked it near the edge of the road.

Weiwei looked amazed outside. They were at a sea.

Haechan got out from his seat and came towards Weiwei, he opened the door like a gentleman for her.

Weiwei's heart leaped forward, as her cheeks flushed from his actions.

As soon as Weiwei got out from the car, she turned her face away to hide the redness on her face.

"Are you blushing again?" Haechan teased, he felt happy even with such small actions he had such a big effect on her.

"Shut up!" Weiwei glared at him before turning around and running towards the sea.

Haechan chuckled and followed her on the sand.
He was faster than her, so he quickly caught up with her.

Sliding his arms around her waist, he picked her up from her feets and swirled her around. Weiwei was startled, she held onto his arms tightly,as he spined them around.

"Yah hyuck! Let me down!" Weiwei patted his arm, getting a response from Haechan. He laughed opening his heart as he stoped spinning, and held her waist, with his chin on top of her head.

Her lips tugged up, although everything was foolish, she was enjoying it.

After a minute, Haechan shifted his chin and placed it on her shoulder, turning his head towards her face.

Her face was red and she was smiling, this made Haechan more crack up. He fell on the sand, holding his stomach.

Weiwei thought why was he laughing like a maniac. The smile on her face, disappeared and was replaced by anger as she marched towards him.

"You!" Weiwei tried to slap his arms,but Haechan pulled her down by placing his arm on her waist. Weiwei with a Shocked face fell on his lap,facing him.

"Hyuck you are really─" Weiwei halted as her hand was caught up by Haechan, he smiled seductively at her.

Weiwei wanted to do something, but she wasn't able to. All her anger had disappeared, and now only she was flustered.

Haechan placed both her arms around his shoulder and placed his own arms around her waist.

They both looked at each other. The view was breathtaking.

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