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The clock strucked indicating it was '2:00am'.
Darkness and a sickening silence engulfed the room, with a figure peacefully curled up on the bed after his hectic day.

Dogs barked outside, some howling like a wolf, disturbing the silent atmosphere. The girl sighed for the umpteenth time, rubbing her eyes to chase away the sleep. She could feel her eyes burning from the lack of sleep.

She was drowing in her studies which she had to complete in a day. Well she got back to her University. Missing a whole worth of year studies, she some how got access for giving her last exams, after that she could graduate.

It was important. Although the principal said she couldn't take students like that, even after knowing why she couldn't attend the class, Taeyong reassured her that she will give the exams. And finally Taeyong threatened the woman, with her life. And lastly she agreed.

Weiwei squirmed at that memory, Taeyong could be scary many times.

Her eyes found the wall clock, she dragged her body to stand up from the chair, pushing it back.

A thunder like wave surged across her brain, causing her to momentarily close her eyes and mumble an incoherent curse under her breathe.

Shaking her pounding head she made her way to the door, unblocking it and closing it lightly to not disturb the sleeping figure.

Her light padded steps fell on the carpeted floor, the fatigue visible.

Coming to a hault she reached the kitchen, pouring herself a glass of water, her eyes unknowingly wavered to his room.

Door closed, with the lights off near it. He wasn't in his room, but she just wished he would.

It had been exactly a week when he suddenly acted weird when she asked him about his family. And also a week, since she last saw him.

He didn't return back home. She was worried but the members assured her he was okay and they know where he is, although they couldn't tell her now.

She understood maybe he had a bad past. And talking about it only triggered some unwanted memory. He needed time to settle his thoughts.

Her body slowly shutting down, as her mind felt like spinning. The glass of water in her hand, shook and fell on the floor, creating a loud sound as the glass shards broke.

Weiwei felt unstable, her vision felt like she was seeing one thing double. Black dots captivated her vision, her eyes rolled back and she lossed her balance falling on the floor with a loud thud.

The girl slowly opened her eyes, flinching back at the exposure of light in the room. Fluttering her eyelids she blinked back the nauseas feeling she felt in the pit of her stomach.

"You are awake?" She could make out Doyoung's voice as he loomed over her body from the side.

Her throat burning with the intoxicating felling conjuring up it. She coughed, felling her airways restricted, oxygen not reaching.

She chocked on her coughs as her hand fisted, she patted her chest with force but it only caused tears to form in her eyes.

"Oh my god! Wait wait." Doyoung ran away to retrieve her inhaler, before placing it near her mouth.

Weiwei inhaled as much as he could, feeling her lungs finally being able to take in the air supply.

As he moved away, she looked at the celling, saying a quite thank you. He nodded his head, before taking a seat beside her bed on the  chair.

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