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"Mom, are you sure you don't want to have that?" The young little Haechan asked the lady stood just beside him.

The said lady looked down at her small bun and chuckled. "Does baby want it?"

Haechan looked down at the product that was kept on display, a puzzle set. And finally lifting up his hands he counted with his fingers as he saw the price tag.

"It's expensive." He said as he felt his fingers were not enough to count the money. Even if he broke his piggy bank he would hardly find any money close to this.

Mrs.Lee chuckled. Her hand going through the boy's hair strands. "My little baby is growing up, so mom will reward you. You can have that puzzle set, mom will buy it for you."

The 5 year old kid blinked his eyes innocently, looking up at his mother. He lips immediately spreading up into a big grin and he hugged his mother's legs. " Thank you mom, you are the best."

Haechan smiled reminiscing the . Weiwei looked curious so he told her some stories related to the photographs adorned on the walls.

"You must be a happy kid." Weiwei showed envy as she made her hand go to the boy's face, squeezing his cheeks and his lips jutted out.

Haechan blinked his eyes at her, as he gestured her with his finger why was she holding him like that. Weiwei didn't answer she simply showed him a mischievous smile and let go of him.

Turning around she went to the balcony attached to the room. The place was huge, sure he had money and he was showing it off well.

She was taken into surprise when she felt arms around her in a back hug. His chest was pressed to her back, and she could feel the heat even if there was still some layer of clothing.

Leaning down he kept his chin on her shoulder. His hands slowly caressed her waist on the sides as he held that. Now he was successfully capturing her between him and the glass railing.

"The view here is so beautiful." Weiwei said amazed at the wide area down.

The area was covered with huge trees, but it was a park so it was nicely decorated. The bright moon casting a serine glow on the whole view.

"Do you like it that much?" He asked as he tilted his chin and showered her neck with kisses.

Weiwei flinched but got well adapted. Her eyes closing at the sensation and she pressed her lips into a thin line, afraid some weird sounds would escape from her mouth.

Haechan noticed she didn't reply instead was busy stopping herself from making any sound. He pressed himself more into her body, and now instead of giving her innocent kisses he swirled his tongue on her exposed skin.

"Hae..Chan.." It felt music to his ears, as he proceeded to use his teeth and graze the area before sucking it harshly.

Weiwei arched her back as she held back herself. Her sensetive body reacting to every action he was doing to her body.

"H-haechan.. not... H-here.."

Waking up next to the boy felt like an ethereal dream. Although this happened several times before, this time it affected her differently.

A red hue of blush visible on her face, as she remembered what they did yesterday. Not so innocent anymore.

Glancing at the boy who slept peacefully, she couldn't help but admire his face.

He had got such nice features. His long eyelashes were casting a shadow below his eyes. While his nose stood tall. And finally noticing his lips, made her covert into a tomato.

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