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The room was in a sickening silence, Haechan standing in front of the open door.

His feets felt it was glued to the ground, he couldn't move. Eyes widened at the sight in front of him.

He swallowed down his saliva, to wet his throat which went dry and the tears in his eyes threatening to fall. The calm before the storm.

"Haechan are you going or let me go." Jaehyun scowled as he tried to push past the younger.
"Fuck it!"

Pushing Haechan out off the way, he pulled the trigger and the bullet flew from his gun and hit the man's head.  Hyunwoo fell dead on the floor.

Then his eyes went to the girl, layed unconscious on the floor. The condition of the room was tremendous, things fallen and the table and carpet thrown to the side. He could only imagine what might have happened here.

Her white graphic tee was not white anymore, dirt and blood tainted it's whiteness and it was also torn here and there. Her shorts were thrown to the side, near the door and she was left only in her underwear, although it was somehow hidden by her long tshirt, which reached her middle thighs.

Her body was adorned with several burn marks and other marks as well. Also she had many wounds and bruises.

He felt himself getting raged at the sight. Not wasting any time he quickly crouch down and removed his jacket before tieing it down on her waist, atleast it would cover the sight for now.

He wanted to kill him but he had already done that. He wished only if he had seen Weiwei first, he wouldn't have killed him so easily. Making his last breath at the best painfull level, making him beg for the death to just take over him.

Jaehyun lifted up the bruised girl in his arms and ran downstairs, direct out of the base towards the van parked in the forest.

He layed her on one of the seats and and climbed over the other seat. Settling down he ushered Mark to drive back to their house. With of course Doyoung tagging along.

The atmosphere was tense. Guilt of what happened was visible on thier faces. And mostly anger, they were gritting their teeths at this level.

As soon as they reached the huge mansion. Doyoung took her to the infirmary.

Jaehyun stood there in the living room, as Renjun and Ten rushed to him. He was trying to remain sane here but already felt like loosing it.

"Hyung is she okay, I saw Doyoung hyung take her to the infirmary?" Jaehyun looked at him and a sudden sense of guilt flashed across his features. If only they had reached a bit earlier.

"I-i don't know. When we found her she was in a very bad condition." Renjun realised they have to wait for Doyoung. But he felt relief, she was not dead.

"Where is Haechan and the others?" Ten asked taking a sharp turn and running towards the front door.

People walked in. All of them as their heads were down in worry for the girl.

"Jaehyun hyung where is she?" Haechan moved towards him desperately biting his tongue to stop the threatening tears.

Renjun walked to him before any one else, taking him in a surprise as he hugged him tightly. "She's in the infirmary."

Haechan closed his eyes, as the facade in him broke, being in the arms of his best friend.

The tears slowly filled out. Cascading down his cheeks and dampening the older's tshirt.

Haechan buried his face in the junction between the shoulder and neck. The painfull view of Weiwei laying in that room flashed in his mind. He wanted to erase it, but he couldn't.

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