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"Weiwei ran forward, jumping from the rocks on the road and embracing Haechan from behind

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"Weiwei ran forward, jumping from the rocks on the road and embracing Haechan from behind.

Her hands locked around his torso, she kept her cheek on his back and spoke out." Hyuck where have you been, I was searching for you!"

Weiwei didn't get a responce from him. She withdrew her cheek from his back  and took a step backward.
"Hyuck are you okay?"

Weiwei asked turning him around so that she could see his face. But as soon as she turned him around, he started to fall down.

Weiwei sat on the ground, while holding his head on her lap.

His face was pale. The scarlet red fluid dripping from the corners of his lips and nose. His eyes closed. His soft strands were stuck to his forehead, from being too much sweaty.

Weiwei gasped as she saw him in that condition. Her eyes automatically turning moist. Tears lining up the corners and escaping from her eyes, running down from her jaw and falling on his face.

"Haechan get up please!" Weiwei broke down into a heartwrenching cry, chocking on her sobs. Her hands shaking him vigourously, begging him to wake up.

His body was void of any other injury.  Accept for his lips and nose nothing was wrong. She wasn't able to understand what might have happened. But whatever happened, that was making her lose the person she learned to love.

"Haechan, I swear if you don't wake up I will never talk with you again." Weiwei said in a muffed voice, her hiccups intensifying in the quite air.

"Lee Donghyuck!"


"WEIWEI!" Renjun yelled out, shaking Weiwei's shoulder. Trying his best to wake the girl up.

Weiwei squirmed, and cried out. "Haechan!" Her eyes closed, yet the tears were running her face. Her cheeks damped from the tears.

"Haechan is fine Weiwei. It's not true what you are seeing! Please get up!" Renjun reasoned out, his eyes too turning red from the tears, he was holding in.

His heart was breaking with every second as he saw his sister cry and breathe in pain. He wanted to take away all that fear.

Weiwei sat up with a jolt. Her body full of sweat. Her forehead, nose top and chin glistening with the sweaty liquid.

She looked around herself. Her eyes settled on Renjun as he sat in front of her. Weiwei pouted her lips, it started trembling. With a audible sob, she hugged him and cried out.

Her dream had terrified her. It was horrific. The only guy she had ever loved romantically, the only guy who was able to climb the walls she had build around her heart. The only guy, she ever felt attached to. The only ever guy who made her feel special. Haechan.

The dream felt so real. Weiwei could feel her blood pressure rising and her heart beats increasing. Her mind in a mess. A nightmare.

"Mie Haechan is fine. Can you tell me what was the dream about?" Renjun patted her back as she cried in agony.

Weiwei only shook her head. Renjun have out a reassuring nod, as he made her realise it was okay even if she didn't want to share.

"Weiwei stayed like that for a while, emptying the anxiousness, she felt with tears. As her tear glands became empty from the water, her cries died down.

Her hiccups were only audible as she tries to calm her self down.

After some moment she took herself out of the hug an stood up. Renjun looked at her in confusion.
"Can I stay with Haechan tonight?"

Renjun didn't think much. He only thought they were good friends, and maybe she couldn't bear the affect of the nightmare. So he nodded his head with a smile.

Weiwei nodded back and went out of the room.
She walked some doors and reached Haechan's room.

She wanted to knock, but her hands clenched into a fist stopped in the middle air. The pictures of Haechan being dead in her dream, flashed accross her eyes.

She saw herself as well, holding his body and crying her heart out. Weiwei closed her eyes tightly, wanting to get rid of the images.

She shook her head multiple times, before taking her palms and placing it on either side of her head. "No please stop it!" She whispered lightly.

Just then the door in front of her swung open. Haechan stood there in a confused manner.

His eyes went to Weiwei who was still froze there in the same position. His eyes furrowed immediately, as he took a step towards her, his hands pulling her into his embrace.

Weiwei was startled, before she knew it Haechan had already closed the door and now they were inside his room.

Weiwei gulped a huge bile of saliva. She didn't understand why was she feeling so uneasy. She had a hunch, something was about to go wrong.

The adrenaline in her body all surging up, causing her to tense her muscles and stiffen her body. Her hands clutching the material of his shirt.

Haechan looked down at her cautiously. He could easily feel her body stiffen under his hold. His hands moved to her back, patting it lightly and the other hand on her waist, holding her still.

"Baby what's wrong?" Haechan asked ever so lightly, as if she was a delicate glassware, would break at any harsh thing.

Weiwei inhaled and exhaled, in and out to calm her insides. Her whole system was tensed up in anxiety.

"H-hyuck, i-i don't know-w-whats happening. But i-it feels so u-uneasy!"Weiwei slowly spoke out with a wavering voice.

"Nothing can go wrong, when I'm with you. And didn't I promise I would always be with you like your guardian angel. Now stop thinking about all this things." Haechan consoled her before taking her to the bed.

Then he made her lay down on it and he himself layed beside her. Weiwei immediately like a scared cat, circled her arms around his torso and burying her head on his chest.

Haechan chuckled as he put one of his arms around her shoulder and the other on her waist.

"Now sleep, everything will be fine tomorrow I promise!" Haechan kissed the crown of her head as he adjusted himself, before closing his eyes and drifting off to slumber.

Weiwei only layed there. The feeling she was feeling at that moment was too much. She couldn't decipher.

 She couldn't decipher

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