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Although you are not oxygen, I still need you to be happy and alive.

Although you are not oxygen, I still need you to be happy and alive

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The rising sun cast a rosy hue across the morning sky. Golden fingers of sunlight lit up the scene.
The just-risen sun shone softly on the city streets. The day dawned crisp and clear, the sun poured through the glass  window. Another day had dawned, bringing with it new hopes and aspirations.

The light of dawn seeped into the dark room.There was a pearly glow in the sky.The first rays of sunlight lit up the room, pouring inside so much light. The dawn chorus of melodic birdsong drifted in.

Weiwei turned around in her sleep, as the light disturbed her warm slumber.

Inhaling the fragrant masculine scent, her sences felt calm. She tightened her hold on Haechan's waist. Her face being buried in his chest.

Haechan too felt something as he pulled her more closer, cuddling her. A arm below her head, as a pillow and the other laying loosely on her waist.

The six people stood outside the four walls, peeping inside through the half closed door.

At the lower lever stood yangyang and Sungchan, above them Jisung and Chenle and the last at the top were Jaemin and Jeno, who were leaning on top of each other peeping inside the room.

"Are they together yet?" Jisung asked, as he looked at Chenle in anticipation.

"Maybe, maybe not. Yesterday I saw Weiwei was crying, maybe Haechan made her cry. I don't think they are together yet!" Instead of Chenle, Yangyang answered, as he pouted his lips in dissatisfaction.

"But maybe they solved thier problems and are together now. See they are sleeping in one bed cuddling each other." Jeno muttered as he scratched his head looking at the two who were so lost in slumber, to realise anything.

"Lets see thier reactions, after they wake up!" Sungchan suggested, showing his famous smile.

"Yeah if they become panick and blame each other, about how they ended up sleeping together, then they haven't made up yet!" Chenle said complementing Sungchan's suggestion.

They all nodded thier head in unison., Carefully looking inside in case the couple were already up.

Inside the room, Weiwei was already awake, from the whispers outside. She just didn't want to open her eyes, or take her hands away from him.

She was enjoying his company afterall.

"W-weiwei...... I like you!"

The sudden confession made her go silent, stopped struggling and blankly starring at him

Was this really happening? He was saying this under the influence of alcohol, but under it people tend to say the truth. So was he really...

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