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Even if there's thousands of danger outside that want to Haunt me down. You still made me believe, as long as I'm in your arms, you'll keep me safe.

 You still made me believe, as long as I'm in your arms, you'll keep me safe

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"Weiwei stop panicking and just jump down!"  Haechan ordered.

Not long ago Mark sent them a message, saying the whole cafe was in a search. And it might take some time for the police to leave the place.

So Haechan came up with an idea, removing the glass slabs from the window and jumping down.

Haechan went first because he thought it would be safe if he went first, he would check the place and help Weiwei jump down.

Now it was Weiwei who had to jump down, but she was scared, the height wasn't that long but it would sure cause some affect.

"I'll catch you, just jump down!" Haechan spoke as he positioned himself to catch her.

Weiwei took a deep breath, closing her eyes tightly she jumped down, putting all her trust in Haechan that he would for sure catch Her.

And he did catch her, both his arms  capturing her, as her own arms fell around his neck. Her legs hooking around his waist.

"See I told you, I won't let you fall down..." Haechan spoke with pride evident.

Then he looked around while Weiwei was struggling to get down from his hold.

Fuck, several people were there.

Not knowing any other way, he made Weiwei stand on her feets. Weiwei puffing out a breath of air.

"Shhh, wear this and again hang on me the same way you did now, there are people. We would get caught, so fast." Haechan immediately opened his hoodie and putting it on top of the girl's head.

Weiwei caught it and quickly slipped it on her.  It waa very big, she was almost drowning in it, but that was something she couldn't care more at that time.

"This!" Haechan quickly pulled the hood over her head, making sure her face wasn't visible.

After that, he hosted her up, of course Weiwei almost yelped, but stabilized herself and put her arms around his neck and locking her legs around his waist.

Haechan pushed her head down his shoulder, as no one would see her and the other arm sneaking around her waist.

With that he ran away, like a thunderbolt passing everyone. No one suspected them, so they safely reached Taeyong and Jaehyun, who were waiting near a big tree, away from the cafe.

"Oh gosh you guys finally arrived! I was about to faint, thank god she's safe!" Taeyong spoke as he opened the car door for them. Both of them quickly getting inside and slamming the door shut.

They both breathed a sigh of relief, finally no one could find them.

Weiwei directly leaned on the window, the glasses weren't down. And she was afraid to open the window.

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