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Do you wanna try to follow the line, into the sky see what we can find. Up on the clouds we are not looking down, I wanna follow your sound.

"Gege are you sure, I should join you guys for lunch?" Weiwei asked to her brother, as she thought it would be very awkward for her

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"Gege are you sure, I should join you guys for lunch?" Weiwei asked to her brother, as she thought it would be very awkward for her. Specially facing Taeyong and Haechan, it's sure gonna be awkward.

Renjun turned his head towards the girl who won't stop asking, he clicked his tongue at the younger girl and held her wrist to drag her with him.
"Mei, stop worrying, they themselves asked you to join them!"

"Umm." Weiwei looked down, still anxious about meeting the members. She had already met with Jungwoo, Jaemin and Doyoung as they are often in the infirmary. But Haechan, she never got to meet him after that day, maybe she will see him there.

"Okay so here we are!" Renjun announced, as they got inside the dinning room, Weiwei snapped her head towards her front. She wouldn't have realised it if Renjun hadn't said.

Looking at the people in the room she suddenly started feeling nervous. How could see forget, she had social anxiety.

Weiwei gulped a big layer of saliva, still her throat could be felt dry. She felt scared, standing in front of so many people. She suddenly had the urge to hide in a corner where no one could see her.

Her palms became sweaty, clutching onto Renjun's sweatshirt as the anxiety caught up to her. Renjun was oblivious to everything. He was only looking excited for the members to meet his younger sister.

"G-ge-ge." Weiwei whispered, because her voice didn't want to come out, out of fear. She bit her lips to control the overwhelming emotions.

Her breathing was slowly becoming raged. Her air ways feeling restricted, rejecting the air she was breathing. Not asthmatic, but still out of breath.
She never attended dinner party or gatherings. In her class also she was rarely present, because of her anxiety. She dare not step a foot in a crowded place.

Did Renjun forget about her PTSD, he should know  that, she doesn't like such places then how could he bring her to such a place where alomost 21 people were present excluding her and Renjun.

As if something clicked inside Renjun's mind, he suddenly stopped with his cheerfulness. He looked down at his sister, to only find her clutching his sweatshirt in her holds and trying to hide behind him.

At that time he really wanted to jump from a cliff, how would be become a good brother if he forgets such big details.

"Meimei look at me, it's okay. No one is here, they are not the same people!" Renjun immediately walked out of the room, before anyone could notice them.

"N-no─" Weiwei spoke out with her bottom lips pouted out as she was about to breakdown.

Renjun quickly pulled her into a hug, tightly holding her in his arms. His one hand on her back while the other one going through her hair, in an attempt to calm her.

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