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The sudden inflation of a voice made the sleeping figure stir in his sleep. He groaned, getting up from his bed and squinting his eyes to the invader near the open creek of the door.

"What?" He asked rubbing his eyes, adjusting himself to get up, but his body was betraying him. He felt week all along.

"Taeyong hyung asked you to join us today for the search." Chenle fidgeted with his fingers nervously waiting for the older to reply. He wasn't the best at dragging someone out, out of thier own will.

Haechan gave out a sigh, feeling his body ache as he moved. Nodding his head at the boy he got up from the bed and walked to his bathroom to get ready for the big day.

Chenle smiled in relief and closed the door of the room lightly, giving the older his required privacy.

Haechan stood in front of the mirror looking at his on awful reflection portraying there. Deep eye bags, swollen and red eyes and even his face was puffy, out of so much crying he did whenever his thoughts crossed across to a certain girl.

It's been a week she's missing and he was dreading to meet her. The growth of saddening emotions had captured his whole self.

A pit in his stomach as he proceeded to take a bath and wear his clothes, leaving the room to go downstairs.

As he reached there, he noticed the dreamies were there along with Taeyong, Jaehyun and Johnny.

All giving him sympathetic look, which he hated to his gut. He didn't want to be pitted by others. But with his current state and actions, he was proving otherwise.

"Haechan eat a bit, before you go!" The orders were sharp coming out of Taeyong's mouth. Beacuse he knew asking him to eat would only cause a denial as a response from the latter.

Haechan bit his bottom lips, controlling his hormones from lashing out. Mumbling a low okay he sat on his chair and quitely ate half of his food, since his stomach felt nauseous if consumed more food.

Slipping out of his seat he walked out of the doors of the mansion, without looking back at anyone. The others silently trailed behind.

"Take care of him, make sure he doesn't loose his mind." Taeyong patted the younger's shoulder to which Mark nodded as a yes and followed behind his members.

"Haechan and Jaemin go check the ground floor, while Renjun and Jisung stay here and see if anything suspicious catches your eyes. Jeno and Chenle come with me, we'll head to the upper floor to talk with the other gang member's." Mark finsihed his short instructions before walking towards the elevator.

All moved to thier respected postions. Jisung and    Renjun  stood near the doorway, watching the people entering and leaving.

Haechan and Jaemin went inside the ground floor area. The hallways were quite busy, with people flooded here and there.

"Jaemin you go that way, I'll check this side."

Aimlessly walking towards the end of the lighted corridor, he stood there for a while, as the older members of the other gang walked out.

Respecting each other's existence they bowed towards each other and did a handshake.

After they were gone Haechan again concentrated on his unknown and unseen enemy who was yet to be found. He didn't even know for whom were they searching. How they looked or where he could find them.

His eyes dangling every side and stopped at the corner. He didn't know why but he had that feeling where his gut was screaming at him he shouldn't let that man off his eyes.

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