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"Babe." Weiwei hummed from her work she was doing."Do you think white would look good on me? Or maybe brown?"

Weiwei titled her head to the side making a face as she in a deep thought and pouted her lips. "Where are you going? "

"Just tell me sweetheart." He ushered her to which Weiwei gave him a skeptical look, with a raised eyebrow.

"Tell me." Haechan looked at her as if asking what 'should I tell you?'
"Who are you impressing with these clothes? Are you planning to cheat on me?"

The clothes from his hand almost fell down as his eyes went wide, astonished at his girlfriend's imagination.
"Babe, can you be serious.... I'm not impressing someone and no I would never cheat on you."

"Oh I'm flattered!" She stood up from her chair and went to him. Ruffling up his hair she picked up a jacket for him. Him looking contented with her choice.

"Okay now I'll change into this, you too go and change. Don't wear something which would let you skin visible too much." Weiwei narrowed her eyes at him. At this unholy hour 7pm, he wanted to go somewhere.

But nonetheless she nodded her head and left the room to go to her and Renjun's room0lll to get changed.

As usual Renjun was in his room, drowned into his work of art. He seem to notice her presence and looked up at her.

"Gege, get up and go out, I have to change fast." Renjun stood up and smirked, thinking they were going on a late night date. But he left the room and Weiwei got her required privacy.

"So what should I wear?" Wait he told me to wear a less showing dress. Umm.. let me see." She went on to fumble between her clothes in the closet.

Sitting at her vanity, she thought maybe he was taking her out on a date. So she put some light makeup on her face. Finally putting Haechan's favourite chapstick, she closed her makeup kit and stood up.

Analysing her reflection in the mirror, Weiwei smiled as she was ready to go.

She was wearing a peach floral frock, that reached her knees. The sleeves were full but were loose. And her hair was open with a pin clip at the back holding the hair in one place.

As soon as she turned around she was greeted by her brother who just entered. He gave her a look and smirked again before winking at her.
"Make sure you enjoy but don't enjoy too much, I'm too young to become an uncle."

Weiwei widened her eyes at him. Her face going flushed as she glared at her brother who was still nonstop teasing her. It was the first time she was seeing this side of her brother.
"Sure old man. You should go find yourself a girl, or else you are going to forever stay single."

"Just go and as I said I don't want someone to call me uncle so early." Renjun lightly pushed her out fo the room and across Haechan's room.
"All the best."

She turned back and there was no sight of her mischievous brother. Fidgeting her fingers she knocked on the door and soon the door was opened and Haechan stood there all ready to go, with a white jeans, white tshirt and peach jacket.

Weiwei noticed the matching colour they were wearing and smiled, finding it cute.

Haechan gazed at her and almost felt his heart stop but he still managed to let out a whistle. " Your re so beautiful."

"You don't look bad yourself." They both smiled at each other as they proceeded to leave the house and get into the garage.

Taking one of the black cars present there they left the place.

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