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You make me much better when you are here, I'm lucky when I'm in your atmosphere.

You make me much better when you are here, I'm lucky when I'm in your atmosphere

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The next day Weiwei woke up to someone yelling. She wanted to sit up and see who the dickhead was but her body wasn't allowing her to.

Her eyes squinting at the intensity of light, making a migraine in her head.

Her whole body was in pain. Drained out of energy. Too tired to do anything. So she only lifted her head up, adjusting herself on the headboard so that she could have a support.

There she saw the newcomer in the room. It weren't the two earlier she saw yesterday, but a different boy.

He was a tall boy, frankly speaking not so tall but in her case yes. She was short though.

His hair was dyed light brown with a few purple stands at the front. His eyes were round almond shaped, almost glowing with fire. A perfect nose and plump lips, complementing with a sharp jawline. And mostly his sunkissed tanned skin.

He looked handsome,  that was for sure. He could easily make several girl's heart race for him. She would also have drooled over him if she wasn't in such a condition.
"Are you done starring? Now tell me why the fuck are you in my room??" He was yelling at the top of his lungs.

Weiwei had a wild headache and he was only stimulating it more. She was hardy able to open her eyes, her body was begging for rest and food, but she couldn't have either of it.

"I-i didnt-" Before her explanation could be finished the boy had already walked over to her.

He didn't hesitate to pick her left hand up harshly and pulling her out of the bed. Weiwei was about to fall but he insted pushed her.

She fell down very hard on the floor. Her head hitting the drawer near the bed, making it wounded. Her ankle was sprained, as she fell twisting it.

The said boy didn't even help bothering or checking on her. He only stood aside, watching her struggling with an amused expression plastered on his face.

Weiwei was in a whole grave pain. Her body was feeling as if it may shut down any time. Her throat was blocked, suddenly feeling itchy.

Moreover her eyes were red as the tears had started lining up and some already escaping her eyes. She shook her head repetitively as the dizziness was starting to take over her.

Her fists were balling the material of her sweatshirt as she looked up at him through her tearful vision. Her bottom lip was stuck out as she pouted, habitually when she was upset.

"Damn you're so fucking pathetic, are you going to get up now? You are staining my floor with your blood and tears!"

A pang of hurt hit her heart and her mouth went dry, at the words escaped his lips and she couldn't help but bit her lips to stop herself from crying too much.

Weiwei looked down on the floor, for sure some drops of blood with her tears were there. She hadn't realised that blood was dripping from her forehead.

She stumbled while getting up and walking to the door. At least she got a chance to get out of that room.

"Fast fast, I don't have the whole day!" How can he grow impatient, when she was struggling, she thought.

Somehow Weiwei managed to get out of that room and down  the stairs. She didn't have time to observe her surroundings, her head already feeling very dizzy.

As soon as she descended down the last step, she heard a gunshot echo through the quite mansion. Weiwei's footsteps halted on the path, suddenly feeling the whole atmosphere chilly and cold.

She couldn't help but shiver at the thought of someone being hit by the bullet just released from the gun.

She wanted to go see what happened, but her feets were betraying her, almost rooted to the ground. Thank god the boy earlier came and somewhat dragged her with him, she was able to get there.

Reaching there she noticed several other people in the room, but the next second she could blink, she again froze at the gun being lifted from one of the guy's hand.

She followed the path of the gun and when she found the person it was aimed at, her breathing felt short. A sudden urge to just jump into the crime scene. And she did it.

As soon as the bullet was released, she practically slapped away the boy's hand that had been holding her, while he dragged her here. She dashed off with all the energy she had left in her body.

Lucky for her she reached at the correct time, taking the bullet. It hit her shoulder, maybe because it was aimed at the person's heart, and she was short to avoid that happening to her.

As the pain surged through her, the sounds suddenly vanishing, the sight getting blurry with every passing second. She passed a reassuring smile to the boy she saved and lost her consciousness.

The whole room was suddenly in a silence. Everyone wondering why she jumped to save someone who basically was in the same team who had kidnapped her.

But the boy who was saved couldn't get his mind right. He felt as if his whole world had stopped. The girl right in front of him, took the bullet for him.

If something happened to her he would never be able to forgive himself. He cannot afford to lose her.

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