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Weiwei sat stoic on the metal chair in the room. Her eyes down casted looking at the boy who layed motionless on the bed.

It had been exactly 3 consecutive days and he was yet to wake up.

She had been there siting beside his bed everyday, in hopes he would get up soon. The frustration and pressure was only increasing, seeing him still on his bed.

The members would drag her out sometimes to eat or freshen up. It's not like she had an appetite, she herself could say she had lost some weight.

But even after talking with Renjun and the others, she was not over it. Everytime she looked at his face, she felt scared, about what would be his reaction, when he would know she killed someone.

Would he be disgusted? Or maybe he would hate her? She had many possibilities currently debating inside her mind, but she couldn't bring herself to stop worrying.

Her hand moving up and falling on his hand, that was settled on his abdomen. Her thumb lightly caressed his skin on the back of his palm.

Feeling a little movement under her hold, Weiwei flinched. Taking back her hand and clenching it into a fist, she hastily got up from the chair.

The chair was pushed back and the metal made a screeching sound on being rubbed on the tile. It almost fell back, but somehow still stabilized.

Weiwei took a rash descision and ran away from the room. Her body shook lightly as her padded steps fell on the floor.

"Hey Weiwei!" The sudden inflation of someone's voice made her stop in her tracks. She looked back at Taeyong who stood in the middle of the hallway.

"I think Haechan woke up, can you go and check." She said expecting he wouldn't ask anything and just follow her words, and he did. Not asking anything, he nodded his head and ran away to the infirmary.

Weiwei turned her head back, her body shuddered lightly as she started walking towards the stairs that would get her to the rooftop.

Once she reached the rooftop, her steps halted, she walked much slower than her usual pace.

Puffing out air with her mouth she took a seat on the bench near the wall. Her feets lightly dangling, beacuse of her short height.

The sky dark like the girl's mood. Grey clouds had fully captivated the sky, leaving a gloomy environment. It felt like it would rain soon, but it didn't made her go inside.

Weiwei looked up at the dark atmosphere as she felt her eyes burning. Her throat suddenly feeling congested as she gulped a huge bile of saliva.

It was normal for any other person to move on. But not for her, call her overdramatic or whatever.

Maybe she could have been the same but because of the incident in her teenage years, it was traumatic for her. How much she tried she couldn't get over the fact that she killed someone, so that the person won't kill her.

Her mind constantly drifting off to 5 years back, when Yujia sacrificed herself so that she could live her life. To be honest she hadn't accepted the reality fully, still stuck on being guilty about it.

She didn't want others to judge her. She didn't want others to just stare at her like she did something wrong. She wants none of it, nothing.


Haechan groaned as the unbearable pain surged through his body. He tried opening his eyes, which felt like it was stuck together.

Squinting his eyes at the visible light in the room, he adjusted his vision.

His mouth and throat feeling way too dry. He tried opening his lips, before licking it up with his tongue.

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