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I like your imperfections, I like your crazy laughter,
I like my world better when I'm with you.

I like your imperfections, I like your crazy laughter, I like my world better when I'm with you

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A week had passed in a blink of an eye. Weiwei was comfortable around every members, becoming thier friend. Most of them considered her as thier little sister.

But only one person, who always gave her cold shoulder, the one and only Haechan, she hadn't had a nice conversation with him.

Bickering always.

"Do you need to be so grumpy early morning??" Weiwei asked throwing the apple she held in her hand , to the boy who stood metres away from her.

"Oh shut up, you just took the last apple that was left!" Haechan caught the apple and glared at her.

"Oh please, if you wanted it then you should have brought your lazy ass here early morning instead of sleeping as if you don't care about the world!!!" Weiwei retorted, pointing her index finger at him.

Her face was red like a tomato in pure rage.  The boy seriously got onto her nerves. Fighting for an apple?? Seriously?

"They literally bicker like a married couple!" Yangyang commented from the stairs as he was coming downstairs with ten and Jhonny.

"Maybe they are going to though. Early morning hearing them bickering is eating me up!" Jhonny spoke rubbing his head, fed-up of the two.

"Yeah If they got together I would be happy, but Renjun might not be." Ten replied casting a look at the two bickering downstairs.

"But wanna bet though? They are for sure going to end up with each other!" Yangyang spoke a mischievous grin on his face.

Jhonny and Ten gazed at him with doubt before looking at Weiwei and Haechan and then nodding thier head." Yeah for sure!"

"I don't want to talk to you!" Weiwei shouted before running away upstairs in anger.

Haechan click his tongue shaking his head, messing up his hair. He went his own way.

"It will take time!" Jhonny said pulling Ten to go back upstairs.

Yangyang only laughed going alone downstairs."its sure going to be fun!"


"Renjun your best friend is a dick!" Weiwei yelled as soon as she entered the shared room of her and Renjun.

Renjun chuckled before coming into realisation, getting up from the chair he sat at and marching towards his sister.

" Renjun??? Again?? Why not gege'? Did you forget I'm your brother? Okay wait up, from where the hell did you learn such words???" Renjun roared over her with questions.

🇼‌🇮‌🇹‌🇳‌🇪‌🇸‌🇸‌&gt;&gt;𝕃𝕖𝕖 𝔻𝕠𝕟𝕘𝕙𝕪𝕦𝕔𝕜Where stories live. Discover now