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"The murder case from some months earlier, had now found a new twist into it. Shin Jihyun, the 38  year old woman who was found dead in the allyway near the Namsang district, was suspected to be murdered by a 20 year old girl, Huang Weiwei. Ms.Haung was on search list of most of the police stations near the area. Until today she wasn't arrested, nor was she ever found by the police."

"Today the case took a turn. Today early at 4:52 am, the police found the actual culprit  near the same area in a rundown building. The man was found tied up in the chair with many dead bodies surrounding him. The scene was quite horrific, but the police managed  to recognise the people, and found out they were actually a mafia gang in the South. They had been on the wanted list for quite a time, and were finally caught."

"It was a pity most of them died, but the leader was caught alive. It proved that the 20 year old girl was innocent. Ms.Huang was framed up by the people."

"With this the police clarified, Ms.Huang Weiwei was clearly innocent and now she is free of every charges against the law. The case being closed permanently─"

Taeyong switched of the television. Every news channel playing the same news on repeat.

Weiwei was sat on the couch, between Jaehyun and Haechan. Haechan kept a protective hand on her thigh, starring at the blank screen.

The news getting inside the minds of the people and all turned thier head towards the Chinese girl who literally looked like, as if her soul had left her body days ago, and it just came back inside her body now.

"Baby you are inocent now!" An excited grin on his face, as he engulfed the girl into a hug, kissing her hair lightly.

"As much as I want to get used to it, it still fells weird to be honest, seeing you both like this." Renjun commented, he was leaning on the wall beside the stairs.

"True!" Jaehyun said, ruffling Weiwei's hair.

"Okay guys. Now Weiwei if you want to go out, you may go, without getting sacred. Although one of us will be always following you." Taeyong spoke, before looking at the others in the room who lazily layed here and there or stood around the room.
"And you people follow me!"

The sound of whining could be heard as Chenle propped himself on the floor, pouting out his lips. "Why?"

"What why? You guys are becoming lazy, now come with me for some physical training!" Taeyong announced, lifting Chenle's arm and effortlessly throwing the boy on his shoulder, and walking away.

Chenle's protesting sound was audible, even if they walked away. Which kind of resembled a dolphin.

The others shrugged there shoulders, before getting up and following the other two with a scowl on thier faces.

Haechan pouted his lips looking at his girlfriend, who equally looked at him with adoration.

"Gross!" Commented Jaehyun before he too got up and left the place with Jhonny.

"I don't want to go." Haechan murmured in a low voice, his hand moving to settle on her waist as she turned towards him.

"But you have to though. You can't skip training, and i'll be there cheering you up!" Weiwei suggested, as she too put her arms around his nape.

"Are you guys comming?" Yangyang asked on his way. He held an apple in his hand which he was throwing up and catching it in a swift motion continuosly.

"No we're not─"
"Yes we are coming!"
"But I'm still injured!"
"But babe I know they won't make you do something hard. I'll hype you up, now let's go!"

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