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The sudden exposure to the luminous lights made the girl squint her eyes at the intensity.

Tugging her hands upwards to rub her eyes, but it was unmoving. Her arms and legs were tied, in a standing posture.

Slipping in and out of the effect of chloroform, she pressed her eyes shut, breathing through her mouth. Her throat dry and her whole body painfull.

Weiwei shook her head, to blink away her distraught vision, soon enough she could make out the details in the room.

The room was made out of concrete as the flooring and the walls all looked the same. A light bulb in the middle, that's all. She was tied to a pole, just near the wall.

A frown settled on her face as she thought about how she ended up here. Panick filled her senses, mainly not for her but for the boy, she didn't even know if he was safe or not.

Mark would be fine right? Yeah he should be.

Convincing herself that the boy would be fine and would have probably went too far to notice her being taken.

She didn't want to just die yet. Atleast not without meeting Haechan and checking he was doing okay.

She was barely able to cope up with the chains. Tugging herself towards the front, she felt a sharp pain inflating thought  her wrists and ankles.

For a fact she knew it at the end of the day, her ankles and wrists would start bleeding.

Her disturbed thoughts leaving her mind at the loud screeching of the metal door. A boy barged in through it, looking almost of her age.

His dark eyes held resentment. A ghostly smile appeared on his face, as he found the condition she was in.

"How does it feel to be tied on a pole with metal chains? Does it hurt?" His question looked over her. He looked at her with so much disgust. "Well I'll make you feel everything my father is feeling right now, in that fucking locked up cell!"

Weiwei flinched at his words at first wondering who his father was, but then got an idea that he was the same man, with whose arrest she was proved innocent.

His steps dragged in till he stood in front of the girl. 
A baseball bat in his hand, as he advanced towards her. Lifting it up and swinging it with so much force, Weiwei turned her head to the other side, her eyes pressed together.

The effect was too strong. It hit her arm, and she felt it would break any second. A scream escaping her lips.

Inception of the gut wrenching pain took over her, by the end of her beating season. Multiple bruises and wounds decorated her clear porcelain skin.

"I guess it's enough for you today, rest well princess." She felt sick to her stomach hearing his
evil demeanor voice.

Her body ached. The previous headache intensified, making her go into a state of turmoil.

Biting her bottom lips as it trembled, mind fluctuating to her past abuse.

The feeling was indescribable. All her insecurity, gilt, resentment and sorrow aiming back at her like an arrow dipped in poison.

Her heart ached with agony. She wanted to place her hand there, wanting to hit her chest or simply caress it to make the pain go away.

Her frustrated cries breaking her facade as if it never existed in the first place. Escaping down her eyes and drenching her face, it felt too much to handle.

She was never someone to withstand pain, and she never even try to portray it that she could. Having raised with so much care, she forgot about the abuse she went through. But again encountering it with the double amount of pain.

🇼‌🇮‌🇹‌🇳‌🇪‌🇸‌🇸‌&gt;&gt;𝕃𝕖𝕖 𝔻𝕠𝕟𝕘𝕙𝕪𝕦𝕔𝕜Where stories live. Discover now