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I can't take my eyes off you ,cause you are the reason , that I think I'm falling so hard.

I can't take my eyes off you ,cause you are the reason , that I think I'm falling so hard

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Renjun breathed out weakly, his mind feeling as if it couldn't function anymore. He felt like exploding a bomb right then and there. He was worried as fuck, feeling useless as he watched the girl he loved and cared the most bleed.

There was so much blood sprawled on the floor, that he couldn't comprehend anymore. Losing his composure he fell down on his knees, beside the unconscious girl.

"No!" He said quitely as his throat started aching with the sensation of anxiety clenching at it. He was breathing in bewilderment.

Renjun balled his fists, his knuckles turning white, as the anxiety was taking over him. His eyes had become dark as he stood up in anger and frustration. 

At that time everyone in the room was scared from the demeanor he had.

Seeing the current situation a certain someone became aware of the value of the girl to Thier young Hacker.  He didn't hesitate a second running to the girl and squatting down. With that he raised the girl in his arms and ran away to the infirmary.

Renjun was oblivious to it. His mind was currently corrupted with demonic thoughts. Although he was never the one who liked killing people, but he would at that time.

"I'll fucking kill you!" He suddenly screamed out, hurled anger and a gleam of tear already coating his eyes.

He let his Demonic side take over him. No one there had ever seen him like this.
He dashed off to the man standing not too far away from him.

All the other boys in the room got alerted, knowing very well he might kill the man. Some of them held him in his place, while he struggled to break free. "Leave me, what are you doing?!! I will kill him, how dare he hurt her. FuCkiNg Let GO!!!"

Taeyong sneaked behind  the guy, as he was watching the commotion, with a visible glint of fear in his eyes.
He pressed a certain nerve at the corner of his neck, making him lose  his consciousness. The man fell in Taeyong's arms, he didn't hesitate a second before picking up the man on his shoulder and running away to the door that led to the basement.

As the man the gone, the room fell into silent.
Renjun continued pointlessly hollering at the place where the guy stood. Although he was long gone, Renjun wasn't able to control himself." I'M GONNA FUCKING END YOU! YOU HEAR ME?? I WILL KILL YOU!!"

He was going insane, blinded by the rage and anger, not minding his surroundings. He was both in mental and physical pain, making his heart clench at the gush of anxiety.

The people in the room who were restraining him, were also tired. And moreover they were scared by the current Renjun. If it was not for Doyoung, Renjun would have surely destroyed the place.

"Jaemin, come fast I need your help!" Doyoung said, turning towards Renjun he couldn't help but run back to the infirmary. By the looks she was very important to Renjun and he won't let anything happen to her.

Jaemin quickly followed the older boy. While Renjun lost his balance and fell down on the floor, a sudden realisation hitting him. They were saving her.

The warm liquid flooded out like waterfall, making him choke on his sobs. Even if they saved her, how will he face her. He was really a very bad brother.

He could taste his salty tears that won't stop falling, moreover he didn't make any effort to wipe it off.

His best friend  Haechan who stood among all the other people in the room had enough of it, as he stepped towards Renjun, crouching down beside him and hugging him.

Haechan had one of his arms around the older boy's shoulder while the other one in his hair, letting his fingers go through the boy's soft locks.

Renjun quitely sobbed, not wanting to hold back his emotions. Haechan only whispered comforting words into his ears, hoping he would calm down. Nevertheless he didn't know why was his best friend acting like that.

"She is like this because of me Haechan, she saved me. I'm so fucking useless!!" Renjun spoke between his sobs, his hands moving up, balling his fists he held Haechan's clothes tightly in his palms.

"Nothing is your fault Renjun, calm down. She will be okay later." Renjun heard these words, he wanted to belive it but couldn't. His mind not letting him focus on the positive side.

Years ago he promised to his dead father he would not let her get hurt in any means. Haven't she already had endured too much in her past. He wanted to protect her like his only treasure. But atlast she jumped to save him, insted of him saving her. How could he calm down in such situation. His father would surely look down on him.

"Get up aren't you worried about her. Lets go and wait outside the infirmary." Haechan carefully spoke helping Renjun up on his feets and supporting him to walk to the infirmary.

And they waited, until Doyoung and Jaemin came out of the room.

All the others had left, only Taeyong was left there, to analyse the situation.

As Doyoung came out he gave out a tired sigh. Jaemin beside him only rubbed his eyes, chasing the sleepiness away.

They didn't know how long it was, but by judging from thier looks it's surely night.

"Don't worry she is okay!" With that the doctor patted the younger boy's shoulder and went his way, Taeyong followed him. While Jaemin came to Renjun, taking his hand he led him to the infirmary, Haechan following him shortly.

As they reached the bright white room, Renjun saw Weiwei. She was layed on a nearby bed. A bandage on her forehead, and her shoulder wrapped with the white medical gauze. A IV drip on one of her hands.

Looking at her he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. She was okay, peacefully resting.

As Renjun noticed her forehead he suddenly frowned, how was that injured.

Seeing Renjun so worried, Jaemin took the initiative to tell him about her condition. "Her forehead was wounded, and it was fresh. And yeah her right leg is sprained, maybe she twisted it somewhere. She was too weak as if she hadn't eaten since many days and also dehydrated. And lastly her shoulder is fine but it could have hit her heart, it only missed by some inches. And If you ask me how I know so much, Doyoung did a whole body checkup on her."

Renjun heard each and every word, his frown only becoming darker. How did she get that wounds, and not eaten why?

Haechan didn't know how he would explain it but he didn't want to lie. Even if he felt like Renjun won't forgive him. "Today in the morning I found her in my room, I was annoyed why would she sleep there that's why I pushed her, she hit her head on the drawer and fell down. About her dehydration and weakness I didn't know."

And at that moment Haechan felt like Renjun would kill him there.

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