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"Ten I'm leaving Renjun to you. Make sure he doesn't panic or do anything stupid incase Weiwei appears." Taeyong instructed to the last person before gathering the members and making them check all the safety equipments.

Seeing each and everyone was accustomed to following the leaders orders they proceeded to floud out of the room, divided into their respective units.

"Guys we have to park the vans in the forest and then according to the plan."

Each of them nodded getting inside the vans. The dreamies were together with Sungchan and Shotaro, since they both weren't in any particular unit.

Mark was driving the van with Jaemin in the passengers seat. While the others sat in a order of three behind them.

Haechan was sat at the very last, at the window side. His stomach was churning with abnormal feelings.

He was determined to bring Weiwei back today no matter what. For now they knew that the rivals have already got the news of NCT visiting them.

Thats why maybe he was a bit scared. What if they had already changed thier location. Or what if they had already planned to kill Weiwei. Many what ifs had corrupted his mind negatively.

His right leg was bouncing up and down in nervousness as he bit his bottom lips.

Looking around at the members he knew all others were feeling the same emotions as him. They were sat still on thier places, faces void of any emotions but he knew they too were scared like him.

Suddenly they all were tugged front, thanks to thier seatbelts or else might have fled to the front.

The tires of the car screeched when the brakes were pressed by Mark. Stopping in the middle of the huge scattered trees.

Thier hearts beat frantically as they got down the vehicle. Shortly after arriving the older members had already gathered up to further work on the plan.

"Boys you know what do. But still once a recap so that everything would be perfect. Wayv from the back door. 127 will first clear the front area and then the Dreamies will proceed after them. Clear the area and search for Weiwei, if not found tell someone and then move upstairs. Kill all the peoples inside, don't leave anyone alive, they might prove as a threat later." Jhonny huffed a puff of air taking deep breaths as he said everything in one go. Finally he gazed at everyone.
"Be carefull and make sure, dont act on your emotions specially you Haechan."

All of them nodded. Haechan doing the same, while walking behind Mark who was leading the Dreamies.

"Haechan no matter what you'll stay behind me. Until and unless it gets out of hands then you can act on your own." Mark concerned said glancing at the younger who nodded his head, before flashing a reassuring smile.

Taeyong stood at the front of the group, nearing the wall. Carefully glancing at every side he found no one, signalling his members it was clear.

The others walked front. He knew something was up since no one would be so stupid enough, even after knowing someone like them was coming, to not keep a gaurd at the gate.

Taking steady steps, he went on to open the front door, which opened effortlessly without being fumbled by Jungwoo, since mostly all of the doors are always locked.

"I think people must be hidden here. Be carefull and check evey room." The voice of Ten was then heard as the Thai make guided them.

Doing as instructed the Dreamies went on to check the rooms while the 127 unit was doing the same with the living area and the rooms near the stairs.

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