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"Any questions?" Taeyong swept his eyes across the whole table where sat other 23 people

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"Any questions?" Taeyong swept his eyes across the whole table where sat other 23 people. Since the matter was related to Weiwei, she too had been there.

"But if we all go, who'll stay with Weiwei here?" Haechan asked.

"It won't be a problem. Anyways who will come here? That's why I'm taking all of us." Taeyong explained, looking at Weiwei. And Weiwei have a nod, saying yes.

"Yeah and from the things I have seen till now, they aren't just a small group. We maybe easily outnumbered, so all of us is better!" Jaehyun spoke before gesturing to Yuta and Shotaro.

They both nodded and stood up from thier place and went out of the room. All others too followed them.

Weiwei was at the last with Renjun. He had his hand around her shoulder, as he constantly reassured her they would be back safe.

As they reached the living room, all the equipments were already there. All of them had changed earlier, so they only took thier guns and an extra gun, incase they ran out of bullets.

Sungchan and Jungwoo took thier explosives. Finally placing the earpiece on one of thier ears, they were all ready to go.

Weiwei sat on the couch as they all went out, everyone giving her a smile and nod to ease her mind.

"You don't have to go out. Stay here. As soon as we're gone, all the doors will  automatically get locked, so for your safety stay here!" Ten said patting her head.

She nodded and watched them leave the place. Soon they were out of sight, and the doors locked tightly.

To be true she was conscious of her surroundings. The uneasy feeling returning back and conjuring up her gut. It was suffocating at some level.

She took in deep breaths of air to calm down. But her chest still felt heavy. A feeling of being watched, suddenly altered her.

Weiwei closed her eyes tightly, her hands balled up in a fist, and her feet constantly bouncing up and down on the ground.

"Please, please. What I'm thinking is nothing like that." She murmured. Her nails digging inside her skin, with the pressure she was applying.

The paranoid feeling not letting her breathe silently. Suddenly she heard something dropping from the second floor.

Her heart leaped. It was drumming inside her chest in a disastrous manner. Sweat beads forming on her forehead as her breathing got ragged.

She was scared. And when no one was there, she was alone, the feeling only intensified.

She slowly stood up from the couch. Her legs feeling wobbly, and she fell back on the couch.

Gritting her teeth she stood up and started to go upstairs. Her steps were slow and silent.

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