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I'm okay inside this great unknown. Cause when you take my hand, I know I'm always home.

Weiwei was stood motionless on the rooftop railing

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Weiwei was stood motionless on the rooftop railing. Her mind drifted away to many thoughts.

The short stands of hair near her forehead, flowing with the wave of wind. The cold was still there, yet she felt numb all over.

Her hands falling on the cold metal railing, her fingertips flinched at the contact. Quitely going forward and holding the railing tightly in her grasp.

It was 2 in the morning. The sky was still dark, the moon being the only source of light, it cascaded a light hue of white accross the sky. Due to excessive pollution, the atmosphere had a thick layer of covering, through which hardly any star was visible.

Weiwei puffed out some air, which was visible for some moment, and then it disappeared.

How much ever she tried to sleep peacefully, it won't happen. From the time she saw that man, whenever she went to sleep, nightmares would occur.

The deathly environment in her dreams, the scarlet red blood spread everywhere, constantly appearing in her dreams. The once lively 15 year old girl, was lying in a pool of blood dead.

At some moment she was even sacred to close her eyes.the tears that escaped after so many years for her, had completely awaken the loneliness she felt, since the girl was gone.

The emptiness growing more and more, as if a pit had been formed there. She only felt broken, but know she felt an unknown heartache.

In the feeling she hadn't realised, a lone tear had escaped from her left eye.

She only felt something wet her face, as the wind passed, it was chilly there.

A hand came, wiping the year that had left from her eye. Weiwei looked up at the intruder, it was the same boy who somehow managed to be there whenever she cane here lonely.

Weiwei pouted her lips, as it trembled. She wouldn't have cried much if she had been alone, but seeing his presence, somehow the tears came back.

Weiwei looked down at thier shoes. He was only a step away from her. A sob ranging in the silent air.

Haechan could feel his heart breaking into pieces, seeing her like that. The pain, he clearly knows how it feels to loose someone, who was your whole life.

"Weiwei." Haechan closed the gap, coming forward and embracing her.

Her cheeks rested on his chest, where she was able to feel his throbbing heartbeat. Her arms going around him, and tightly holding him, as she desperately felt herself breaking at that moment.

Haechan held her close, his chin automatically resting on the crown of her head.  One of his hands on her back, while the other one on her shoulder.

He could fell the vibrations of her choking sobs, as she constantly moved.

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