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The note was kept on the table stoic. Other paper and files discarded to a corner to create space.

All the focus was on the note they left. It was crumpled by Haechan earlier in anger, but when he threw it somewhere, Mark had picked it up.

"Who do you think, has the audacity to mess with us now? Even after we just got someone stronger like those to end thier gang." Johnny who was silent till now spoke, his right leg bouncing up and down as he leaned on the wall. Expression showing he was thinking very hard.

"I don't think its to mess with us." Mark whispered out, and because of the  pindrop  silence in the room, each one of them heard it.

"Yeah I too think so. I mean if they wanted to mess with us, they would have used Weiwei as a threat against us or something. But they said don't try to find her, it's like they had something to do with Weiwei itself." The analysis made by Jaehyun shocked those, who hadn't guessed yet already.

"W-why? But we eliminated those wanted to harm Weiwei?" Renjun had a deep expression, controlling himself from lashing out.
He was trying to reassure himself more than anyone, she was fine. The surrounding only getting tensed with every passing second.

"127 and Dream, keep an eye on every gang within Seoul. Wayv you look after the gangs outside Seoul. Make sure no one is left!" As the command went out, all nodded leaving the room.

Haechan sat alone in his room. The lights were off and the curtains were shut. The darkness felt comforting.

He was sitting on the edge of the bed, looking ahead. He was dazed out thinking something particular.

The sudden consumption of so many thoughts made his mind clouded. He was abide by his thoughts. Wanting noting but Weiwei back.

A knock was heard at the door. He blinked away the tear he felt had slowly started to captivate his eyes. "Come in."

"Donghyuck come down for lunch." Haechan snapped his head towards the figure which was lingering near the door.

"I don't feel like eating right now." He replied quitely. Gulping the intoxicating feeling conjuring up his throat.

"I know, but trust me no one else is feeling like to eat. But we have to, Weiwei won't want you to be like this. And moreover, if you don't eat, how will you fight for her?!" Johnny sighed, attempting to drag the younger down but he only resisted.

"Hyung...." He stopped, feeling the constant pressure of emotions hitting him. He gulped again, feeling himself clenching.
"You don't understand.. I don't know how she is. In such conditions how am I meant to eat, when I don't even know if she had eaten something or not. I can't I really can't, don't force me please."

"Fine. But please atleast you should have the energy incase we have to fight. So eat a bit later." Johnny closed the door lightly and again the room regained back it's darkness.

Looking up at the celling he tried to swallow back the tears that had lined up to escape. His heart felt heavy, as if someone was physically painfully squeezing it. He was abject to everything.

"Weiwei baby where are you..." His question increased his own emptiness. He felt guilty to suddenly shut her out for a week but he was only trying to manage his own thoughts. But deep down he still felt guilty and maybe even anger as well.

He blamed everyone but more than anyone, himself. Since she stayed inside she was okay and when she suddenly got freedom to got out, something happened like this.

A stinging in his heart at the thought of her being hurt. In what condition she possibly would be right now.

But the fact that matter to him the most right now was he didn't know where she was. Even if he had a slight idea he would have long ago gone to save her.

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