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I like me better when I'm with you.

"FUCKING SHUT UP!!!!" Haechan yelled as his fingers dug onto the man's neck

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"FUCKING SHUT UP!!!!" Haechan yelled as his fingers dug onto the man's neck.

"Y-you are so fucked up... Your f-father was right you are n-nothing but a disappointment!" The sickening sinister smile displayed over the man's features.

"NO, YOU FUCKING DONT KNOW ANYTHING. JUST SHUT YOUR TRAP, BEFORE I RIP YOU APART!!!!" Haechan was about to go crazy handling this bastard.

So practically he was sent to investigate the lead they found. And he caught a suspect there, so all he needed was to drag him to somewhere secluded, so that he could have his privacy.

So here they were, in a old abandoned factory. It was pretty run down, no evidence of any species residing here or visiting, accept for the bugs and dust.

The middle aged man was thrown into a pile of trash that considered of some metal particles.

His white shirt was stained with different dirts, no longer regaining back it's original colour.

The pointy metal pieces had pierced against his skin, going beneath it and rupturing his skin. Blood was everywhere, flowing out of every part the metal had done the damage.

Haechan had decided he would take him to the base but later changed his mind, Because the man spoke something about his father, playing with Haechan's heart strings.

"Your f-father thought of you as a disappointment, and n-now you are proving it true." The sinister chuckle again. It resonated through Haechan's mind, the sadist who was making him want to kill him there. "Y-you have fallen -f-for that g-girl. Oh what's her n-name..... Ummm.... Yeah n-now I remember isn't it W-weiwei──"

Before he could finish his whole sentence, a hard punch was launched over his face, making his ears feel a ringing.

"YOU DARE TRY TO TOUCH HER!!!* Haechan yelled across the room, as the sound flooded everywhere in the room, and the emptiness, complimenting it even more making it seem more louder and making it echo back.

"Hmmm.... Y-y you know I had been searching her for so long. Finally I got her, d-dont worry my men won't leave her alive. So till she dies enjoy the day!" The sadistic look again,  the dark amused look on his face.

Haechan couldn't control the rage swirling inside him anymore. He turned towards his left, finding a glass rod, he didn't hesitate before throwing it, and it hit exactly in the man's eyes.

Penetrating inside his eyes. A loud shout of agony rushed through him, hiting the walls and bouncing back the sound.

"You deserve to die!" With that he picked up the gun, which he had thrown earlier and fired the bullet.

The bullet hit the man on his forehead, a hole appearing on that place and blood gushing out at a great speed.

The man suddenly felt limp, as he fell backward on the loft of metals.

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