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It was late and the girl was still out. Sitting on the bench, with her feets lightly dangling off. Her palms were pressed on the edge of the bench as her head titled upwards, looking up.

The sky was painted a hue of white mixing with the darkest of black. Little twinkling stars spread across the sky, but were hardly visible because of the pollution layer. The moon was cresent, lighting the vast dark atmosphere.

Weiwei was in deep thoughts. Her cheeks were damp with the tears, which she didn't make any effort to wipe off. Her crying had quited down long ago, but her nose and her cheeks had a light pinkish glow on them, probably from crying too much.

The light waves of wind blew across her face, making a chill shiver go though her as the wind made contact over her tear stained places. The little strands near her neck flowing along the air.

"Fuck, I'm probably thinking way too much!" A low mumble escaped her lips, as she licked it.

The weather changed, and dark clouds started captivating the sky, hiding the moon and the stars entirely.

It was as if the weather too knew about her mood and was being sad along with her.

Soon she could feel little drops of rain falling from the sky. Weiwei stretched out her hand, feeling the water drops hitting her palm, and a little bouncing back and wetting her face.

The rain started raining a bit heavily and the girl still didn't make any efforts to move. The water trickling down her hair, face and clothes, making her drench fully.

Yet she wasn't bothered. Sitting quitely looking ahead with her blurred vision.

Now the rain was falling way too harshly, without showing any mercy on her. It was hitting her skin and she flinched at it.

Not too long after she felt the water stopped pouring. Looking up a bit confused she found Doyoung standing there with an umbrella.

He was looking down at her with an unexplainable expression. It was dark yet he was sad to see her like that.

"Why are you here  like this in the rain? It's not too long ago you healed and now you are here? You could get sick you know!" His hand outstretched, as he took her hand in his and pulled her up.

Weiwei looked down as she felt the rush of guilt. He was a doctor, it was natural for him to nag at her.

He brought her inside, descending the stairs directly to her and Renjun's room.

"I'm sorry." She said quitely, walking inside the room. Doyoung acknowledged it and patted her head with a reassuring smile. He closed the door and went out, giving the girl her required privacy.

Weiwei with heavy steps entered the bathroom with her clothes. She closed the door after her and went further inside.

Looking at her own reflection in the bathroom, she felt pathetic. To the level she wanted to vomit.

Gulping the overwhelming feelings, she stood under the shower. The faucet throwing out warm water.

Weiwei stripped off her clothes and let the water flow down the skin. It felt good and the warm sensation rushed through her.

Weiwei stood in front the white door, as it was closed without any lock. She was debating inside her mind whether she should go inside or not.

She was nervous to face him for sure. Her fingers fidgeting with one another, biting her bottom lips she puffed out a huff of air and pushed the door open.

Entering inside with light footsteps she kept her head low. She took a place on the chair she always sat at. The metal chair felt cold under her knees, where it was pressed at the edge.

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