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Whenever I look at you, I feel as if the whole world has stopped accept for you and me.

Whenever I look at you, I feel as if the whole world has stopped accept for you and me

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It was night and the whole mansion was deep in slumber. Renjun was also asleep, deep in the warmth of his warm comforts.

Weiwei was only lying beside him, too lost in her thinking to fall asleep. How much ever she tried, the sleep won't take over so she let it be like that.

Finally getting fed up she got up from the bed, and looked at the bedside clock.


All would be in deep sleep, would they get disturbed if she goes out of the room now.

Not knowing the answer, she mentally debated whether she should go or not, finally deciding its better to go out than stay in this creepy room.

Weiwei wore her sleepers, and carefully without any noise she left the room, but not after closing the door.

She wandered around the quite hallways, this time the dark atmosphere was scaring her. Not waiting there any longer, she went to the rooftop.

She walked with light padded steps, reaching there she opened the door.

As soon as the door was opened, the wind gushed past her,  goosebumps rising on her skin.

She stood in front of the metal railing, her elbow propped up on it, with her chin resting on her palm, enjoyed the serine atmosphere.

Maybe her brain was too occupied with different kind of thoughts, that's why she wasn't able to sleep. But she wasn't able to relax herself, how much ever she tried.

She desperately wants to close her eyes and fall asleep but that won't happen, nightmares would haunt her.

Weiwei felt cold as she stood straight in font of the railing. The cold wind gushed past her, making the loose strands of her hair blow in the direction of the wind. A chill shiver ran down her spine.

She squirmed on her place, feeling cold. She rubbed her palms to keep herself warm, bringing her hands near her mouth and covering it on her face, and blowing hot air on it.

All of a sudden she felt something warm being kept on her shoulder, Weiwei snapped her head towards her shoulder, noticing it was a black leather jacket, she pulled the material closer to her, wanting to engulf the warmth that she could.

After doing that she thought about the person, who kept it, and looked behind her. No one was there.

She looked beside her and and there he stood, in the same pose as she was standing.

The boy was looking ahead, leaning on the railing. His hair also blowing with the wind. The moon light casting a  luminous light on his face, making him look like a god standing there.

Weiwei was enchanted by his looks, but then snapped back to reality, shaking her head, noticing he was only wearing a t-shirt.

"Aren't you cold?" Weiwei asked turing her full attention to him.

The said boy looked at her and then back at the view ahead, ignoring her whole presence.

Weiwei pouted, remembering how he treated her when they first met. "You are mean!"

Again he didn't pay any attention to her, busy in his own world. Not that he was lost in his world, and that's why he wasn't paying attention, but he was deliberately not acknowledging her presence.

Weiwei pulled the jacket more closer to her, inhaling the masculine scent on it and felt calm internally.

She turned to him and poked her finger on his arm, again being ignored. "I'm going to take it channie!" She showed her tongue to him in a teasing manner and left the place.

Haechan had a light smile on his face after she left the place. She really was childish, more than he thought she would be.

He shivered slightly as the cold wind blew, already regretting his choice for giving her his precious jacket.

He moved his hands, hugging himself, as he shielded his arms  from the cold.

Shaking his head into a denial, he turned around and left the place, to his bedroom where he could dive into his warm cozy duvets.

"Mie, it's already 10, get up!" Renjun yelled across the room, as he walked to his sister where she slept buried inside her warm duvets.

He shook her body inside the duvet, to wake her up. She really was a deep sleeper.

"Wakey wakey~" Renjun sang to which Weiwei woke up for sure.

She squinted her eyes, adjusting to the lights in the room, taking a pillow and shielding her vision.

"Ummm, I'm up!" Weiwei mumbled, rubbing her eyes as she wished her brother a quick good morning before running to the bathroom.

Renjun smiled and was about to get up, but was reminded what happened yesterday in the bathroom, how Weiwei was caught up in her anxiety.

He quickly made himself comfortable on the bed, waiting for her to come out so that they could walk downstairs together.

Weiwei was taking her time inside the bathroom, all her thoughts were currently working on how to get rid of the sleep. She completely forgot about the incident yesterday.

Her hand holding the brush tightly and working it on her teeth, sluggishly. Her eyelids dropping, wanting to sleep more.

But she shrugged it off, slapping her cheeks to keep herself awake.

Then she quickly took a warm shower, which refreshed her mind as well chased away her sleep.

Wearing her clothes she made her way out of the bathroom, noticing Renjun was sitting on her bed, a smile immediately made  way on her lips.

Her hair was still damp, but she was tired of rubbing it with the towel to make it dry, so she threw it in the laundry basket and combed her hair with her fingers.

"Renjun, let's go down!" Weiwei announced walking to the door, with a proud feeling as she called her brother with his name insted of 'gege'.

"Wait what, did you just call me by my name. Mie...
Where are your manners, I'm older than you!" Renjun whined, getting up from the bed and following the girl downstairs.

"Ofcourse no old grandpa, just having a bit fun 'gege'." Weiwei said, making a emphasis on the word 'gege' as she addressed him.

Renjun smiled walking a bit fast to reach her, he ruffled her hair. Which in return, Weiwei glared at him, because he messed up her wet hair. Renjun shivered under her gazes, and walked his own way.

"Weiwei!" Jaemin called out enthusiastically, as he saw Weiwei walking to the breakfast with Renjun.

"Hey Jaemin!" Weiwei waved her hand taking a seat beside him, Renjun siting beside her on the other side.

Taeyong was quick to call out her name to gain her attention. All the others automatically gazing at him in anticipation.

"We have found the lead!"

"We have found the lead!"

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