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The sky was looming with dark clouds. Dark velvet layer hiding the sun behind it and it was only early in the afternoon.

Gloomy figures sat in the couches of the living room. Not a single soul had a ounce of happiness in them.

All were mostly sleep deprived, countless nights passing with only them blinking. It had reached to a level were they started feeling paranoid.

The brother who was still in grief for his sister was slumped on the ground, starring at the floor in a daze.

They had lost all hopes in bringing Weiwei back. Each and every attempt failed. Even after they kept money as a bait, no news came.

"Do we stop then?" He asked particularly heartbroken for his only relative left.

Taeyong sighed. Running his fingers through his hair, he felt his throat clogging. Gulping it visibly he blinked back the tears that would soon fall nonetheless.

He only knew how he had held himself till this level without breaking. But with everyday they were loosing any light that would lead them to the girl.

"I don't know."  He really didn't know what to do, first time in his life he was so reluctant to just let go. Even though he knew they were not getting anywhere, but still he wanted to look for a little thread that would lead them to her, hold it tight no matter how small it is.

"No we c-cant stop! I won't stop!" Haechan stumbled getting up and looking at them with so much sadness in his dark orbs. It was upsetting for all of them.


And he was gone. Leaving everyone starring at his back that went out of the main door and outside of the glamourous house.

He only stood outside because inside he suddenly felt suffocating. He was wretched with emotions.

Then saying that they didn't know if they would stop or not made him feel wry. He wanted to laugh at his own fate, for making him go through somthing like this.

Maybe in his past life he did something very terrible for the god to punish him in this life without showing any mercy.
Everytime he finds a ray of happiness in his life, it always ends up going away from him.

A lone tear escaped his left eye, him shutting his eyes to not let more escape. For the second time in his whole life he felt scared, anxious of loosing his most loved one.

He still didn't want to let go. He won't stop trying until and unless someone proves him she was no more. For what he knows now, there hasn't been any such news so he would go on.

Puffing air out of his mouth in an attempt to calm his emotions he opened his eyes and looked ahead.

Squinting his eyes, trying to see clear he saw something or more likely someone trying to hide behind the bushes, near the gate.

Getting worked up he didn't move, even though his brain was acting very fast, thinking something what to possibly do at such situation.

Again seeing he found it was the same person. By now he knows very well this person is Chae Hyunwoo. That bastard's son.

Collecting his scattered emotions and keeping it intact he wiped the fallen tear away from his skin.

Maybe his gut feeling wasn't fully wrong. Haechan took a step back, leaning on the wall behind the huge pillar. He peeked through it and saw the boy getting up from his place.

And this was his chance. As he saw him starting to walk away from there, Haechan too again started following him with light padded steps.

And this time even if he went somewhere innocent he wouldn't stop, not until he feels satisfied that atleast he was still trying.

Something about his aura was attracting his attention. Why would he be hiding there, in front of thier base. Until he got something up his sleeve against them, and he was only there to keep an eye on them.

Maybe he was wrong. And let's just say he was only there to look out for them, because they would attack at thier base. But what if he was related to Weiwei.

Haechan held that belive tightly in him.

Passing several dark alleyways and distant roads they reached to a secluded place. Thier base.

Haechan hid beside a tree as he waited for something to happen.

Time passed by. And he was sure an hour had passed before he sensed some movements there. People wearing all black came out holding a figure that looked dead, but it was not atleast that's what he wanted to belive.

His breathing hitched seeing a familiar girl in the arms of those men. Her condition so deteriorated than ever. He had never seen her like that, even when she first came in a terrified condition.

He knew taking a long time will be a deterrent to this problem. He had to think fast what to do.

And then he saw they were taking her inside the huge door, which was probably the main door of thier base.

He knew he couldn't act rashly now. So he memorized the way and then went back home.

Coming alone would only risk her and his life with the built men he just saw, it was impossible for him to fight them alone, even if he knew he would go to any extent.

He was so relieved to atleast see her finally. She was alive. And he is making sure of it that she would stay alive till the end.

"Say Haechan what did you see? Are you sure it was Weiwei?" The question was asked by Jaehyun as he stood up from his chair after listening to the younger who suddenly called for a meeting.

Haechan nodded, taking a deep breath as he was so happy to know she was alive and they were only times away to reach her anyways. "Yes hyung."

"I saw Hyunwoo lurking around and followed him. That led me to thier secret base, and I saw with my own eyes they bought Weiwei out of some door and then took her to the large main door of the base. We should plan something real quick and attack them." He elaborated to them while managing to smile in between.

Taeyong sighed in relief. Atleast he found the thread he was looking for and he would surely hold it tightly.
"Yeah we should, but on the note be careful since Weiwei is also there. Jungwoo and Ten start making a plan and do it fast I don't think we have much time."

Jungwoo and Ten nodded thier head leaving the place to hack some things and making the plan.

And others remaining waited for the orders to follow. To say they were dreading to throw thier fists and shoot thier guns was a must. Suddenly the whole place was tensed but brightened up at the same times and the souls had returned to thier respected bodies.

Haechan looked at his lap and clenched his fists determined.
"Weiwei just some more moments and you'll be here with us."


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