Chapter 1

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Ella's POV:
I open my eyes for the very first time in my life and see my mom, dad and my bro. We are all Golden Retrievers and a happy family with a great owner. Well what I have heard. But I think that we are always gonna be this way.

*A few months later.*

My family are playing outside then the ball goes across the ditch and my mom jumps over it and gets it but then there is a loud bang and mom falls over with red stuff flying.

Dad: Honey!

Dad then runs over but when he gets 2 feet from us there is another loud bang and dad falls over and I look to my right to see our owner with a gun pointing it at Tuck so I grab Tuck and we take off until we get to a big building with a bunch of yellow things with wheels and Tuck hides and I run up and scratch on the door hoping someone would here me. And I heard my owner running towards me.

Dakota's POV:
Finally the end of the day. I can't wait to get home. But then I don't because I have no pets because they caught a disease that killed all of my pets not my family's which is so weird but I get my backpack out of my locker but I hear scratching and I look down the hall to see a little Golden Retriever puppy scratching the window with a man running after it with a gun so I leave everything there and take off running for the puppy and by the time I grabbed her and brought her in he shot the window and got in so I ran away and got the Pro Officer of the school and the man was arrested but for some reason I have to pay for the window. But I carry the puppy back to my locker and grab my stuff and put her in my bag and go to my bus but when I got on another Golden Retriever puppy followed me onto the bus.

Driver: Sorry Dakota but let's are not allowed on the bus but only this once I will let you bring it on.

Dakota: That's not mine. Mine is in my bag.

I pull her out and the other jumps onto the sit so I lay the female down and they nuzzle each other.

Dakota: I think they are twins.

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