Chapter 31

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Dakota's POV:
Me: Brooke! Noo!

Then I see Rocky running at the robber and tackles him and I run to them and see the robber with a busted lip, Rocky with a small wound and Brooke lying on the ground.

Me: Brooke? Rocky?

Brooke: I'm okay. But I don't know about Rocky he was hit hard.

Me: Oh no.

Brooke: Let's get him back to the house.

Me: Okay, you take Rocky I got this guy.

Brooke: Okay.

Brooke picks up Rocky and I get the robber up and walk him back to the house with his hands being held by my hands so we will not try anything. So when I get back to the house Brooke got off the phone with 911 and I waited for them while Brooke took Rocky to her office to fix him up. While Chase keep the big dog pinned until the dog catcher arrives to pick him up. Then we go inside and wait for Brooke to get back with Rocky.

*Time skip*
A few hours later I see Brooke's car pull in and I see Rocky in the back seat. And I run out of my house to Rocky.

Me: Rocky! Thank God you are okay.

Rocky: I've been in a worse condition. So let's lighten the mood and may I ask when's your guys wedding?

Me: Well if it's okay with Brooke I was thinking Sunday.

Brooke: Ya we can set up Saturday.

Me: Yep. But let's go in I have a surprise for the pups.

Brooke: What is it?

Me: Let's go inside then we will talk.

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