Chapter 12

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Aleigha's POV:
So me and Tuck are getting to mate even though I'm Spayed but we are still going to do it. So we just went in the closet for privacy and didn't come out for 2 hours and everyone was asleep.

Tuck: Dakota didn't let us use the bathroom.

Me: Go wake him.

Tuck: No I will let him sleep.

Me: Okay.

I then jump on Dakota's bed and wake him up.

Dakota: What's up, Aleigha?

Me: You didn't no one use the bathroom.

Dakota: Oh ya. Um. Here use it on this potty pad.

Me: There you go Tuck! Thank you Dakota.

Dakota: Your welcome now I will see you guys in the morning.

Me: Night.

Tuck: Thank you but I could've waited.

Me: It's not good for you to hold your blatter.

Tuck: Oh well let's just go to sleep after I use the bathroom.

Me: Okay.

I then lie down on our bed and wait patiently for him to finish and join me. Then when he comes we both fall fast asleep.

Dakota's POV
The next morning I get up early because I have school and I check my weight and the pups as well like I do every morning then take them for a walk. But on our way back home Rufus attacks us again.

Me: So you haven't had your butt kicked enough have you?

Rufus: Actually I'm not her for her I'm here for the other one.

Ella: Me?

Rufus: Yes now come here!

Rufus then pounces for Ella but Zuma blocks him and gets very wounded until taser Rufus off of him.

Ella: Zuma!!! No!!!!

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