Chapter 28

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Dakota's POV:
Me: Well, see.

Ella: Okay

*Time skip*
The next morning, we get up and relax the whole day until....

Ella: Dakota are you sure you're okay with me being pregnant?

Me: Okay fine I'll tell you the truth I'm a little angry that you didn't ask me first but I'm glad you came to me with the truth.

Ella: Punish me please because I disrespected you so please punish me.

Me: Ella! Stop! I'm not going to punish you because that was the first time that you have been bad since I've had you and so what I'm trying to say is that you a good pup and there really is no reason for you to be punished.

Ella: Okay.

Me: But I do need your help.

Ella: With what?

Me: Well mine and Brookes wedding is coming up and I need you to help Aleigha get around and stuff while I take Tuck to help me get a very nice tux.

Ella: Okay.

So Tuck and I leave Ella and Aleigha home and Ella has a list of instructions if they need to potty and me and Tuck head to the mall. But we encounter a problem at the first store.

Clerk: Sir that mutt can not come in this store.

Then I get an idea.

Me: But um sir he is not just a regular mutt..... I mean dog he is my service dog.

Clerk: Oh sorry sir carry on.

So me and Tuck carry on through the store until we find the perfect tux. (Just a hint. Its black lol.) So after finding the tux I get a call on my phone and we go somewhere private and I answer it.

Me: What is it Ella?

Ella: Well um I'm outside and there are 2 people walking around our house with a big dog and Aleigha is inside.

Me: Okay Ella press the button I gave you.

Ella: But that will lock all the entrances and exits and we can't get in unless Aleigha lets us back in.

Me: Well now I have a facial recognition of my face that will unlock it and if you lock it up then if someone tries to open a door or window then they will have a cage around them.

Ella: Okay. *Presses button.*

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