Chapter 7

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Dakota's POV:
When we get to the address of the owner giving her dog away I go up to the front door and knock.

Owner: Hi you must be Zuma's new owner?

Me: Ya. And um don't worry I'm not taking him for free. Here is $200 for him. It would make me feel a lot better if you take the money.

Owner: Oh okay thank you. Let me go get him.

She goes to get Zuma and I go to my car and get the back seat ready and after a couple of minutes she brings Zuma out of her house with a leash but I put him on my own leash and give her, her leash.

Owner: Okay thanks and please take great care of him. I just had to get rid of him because I don't have the money to feed 3 dogs with this COVID here but with 2 it should be a lot better, and he doesn't like other dogs. But I don't know why.

Me: Hmm who knows but I'm glad to help.

She then goes back to be house and I get in my car and drive off.

Ella: He's cute. And yes you did not tell me that he was cute.

Me: Oh did I leave that part out? I guess I did.

Zuma: So uh when do we get to my new home.

Me: Well Zuma it's nice to meet you too but first I have to do a pickup at Walmart then we go home.

Zuma: Okay. And what did my old owner say about me?

Me: She said you didn't like other dogs.

Zuma: I love other dogs but her other dogs always bit my tail and I would start growling and they would act hurt and she would see it and I would get punished. And wait I'm not suppose to be talking.

Ella: It's okay Zuma your secret is safe with Dakota.

Then Zuma sees Ella and they start at each other.

Ella: Dakota can I go to the back?

Me: Why if you want to sit by Zuma you both can sit up front but you have to wear a seatbelt.

Zuma: Okay.

Zuma then climbs upfront at a stoplight and I buckle him in. Then go when the light turns green.

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