Chapter 8

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Dakota's POV:
When the light turned green I drove up to Walmart and the employee put the 3 bags of dog food in my car and I payed and tipped him and went home but when we get home I look over to see Ella and Zuma snuggling up to each other asleep so I pick them up and take them in the house and put them down on the big doggy bed I have for them all to sleep on together and sit on my bed. Then Tuck climbs on the bed.

Tuck: So are they in love?

Me: I think so because they fell asleep together on the way home.

Tuck: I really hope he makes her happy.

Me: I think he will. An I hope Aleigha makes you happy.

Tuck: She does. She make me really happy.

Then Aleigha jumps on my bed and sits on the other side of me.

Aleigha: You make me happy too Tuck. And um Dakota can I ask you something? In private?

Me: Well technically you just did. But sure.

I then put her on a leash.

Me: Okay so I guess you each get to come with me alone. And Tuck watch them if they start doing anything inappropriate you know how to call me.

Tuck: Okay. Bye.

So me and Aleigha go down the hiking trail like we all do when we go for walks.

Me: So what was your question Aleigha.

Aleigha: Well umm. Are you gonna get mad if I ask?

Me: No but if it involves you killing someone then forget it.

Aleigha: Okay first off I will not be able to kill anything but no. I wanted to know if it was okay if me and Tuck......

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