Chapter 41

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Ella's POV:
We walk in through the door and Chase and Aleigha are sitting next to each other with disgusted faces.

Me: Chase guys what's up?

Chase: Oh nothing you?

Me: Nothing.

Aleigha: Tucky I know what you know, is there something you need to tell me.

Tuck: N-no.

Aleigha: Really? What if I told you I saw what you guys did?

Tuck: D-did w-what Aleigha?

Aleigha: You 2 had sex together Tuck!!!!

Tuck: Well you wouldn't.

Me: And niether would you Chase. So we figured we should have sibling sex.

Aleigha: Ella! Tuck! We can't go and get pregnant every chance we have that is bad for me and Ella we can get seriously injured and you 2 don't see that!!! But me and Chase do!!!

Tuck: Aleigha wait it's not Ella. I seduced her into it.

Me: But I still have part of the blame Tuck. You gave me the chance to leave. Aleigha, Chase we're sorry.

Aleigha: Well as long as it was just this once I will be fine.

Chase: Ya me too. So apologies accepted.

Me: Group hug?

Aleigha: Ya!

We then hug then sit and talk and laugh but after a while Brooke and Dakota get home and have big smiles on their faces.

Me: Wait are you 2 so happy about?

Dakota: Well we had a very romantic dinner and movie so thanks for asking.

Brooke: Ya but now I just want to go to bed.

Dakota: Ya I'm so tired.

They then go to bed and not long after we go to bed together with with on one end and Chase on the other and Aleigha and Ella happily between us, and the kids between them.

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