Chapter 39

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Dakota's POV:
So it's been a few months Ella and Chase's puppies have gotten bigger and so has Brooke's family but Ella is nagging on about having more puppies and so has Tuck so I'm really worried for Chase and Aleigha. Because Ella need about more 3 months to heal and Aleigha should be healed by next month and Chase and Aleigha get that but not really Ella and Tuck which makes sense because they are twins but still they shouldn't be this horny. So me and Brooke are keeping a close eye on them  but tonight is our date night so I told Aleigha and Chase to watch the twins because who knows what they will do. So after an hour of getting ready me and Brooke leave.

Ella's POV:
Brooke and Dakota just left and Im really horny I'm thrusting the air and doing a lot of things but Chase doesn't want to mate which really stinks but I guess I will just have to live with it and no way I'm mating with Tuck and Rocky because I just can't do that to Chase. But i go outside to pee but get an unexpected surprise.

TucktheRacer: Sorry for the short chapter I wanted that chapter to stop there because I wanted to do a mature chapter next. I hope u understand.

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