Chapter 6

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Dakota's POV:
After the vet gives Ella and Tuck their shots the vet comes in with a few questions. And I answer them truthfully. Then I get the pups in my car and get a very surprising surprise on my way home.

????: Where am I?

Me: Your up!

????: Ahhh! Help!

Me: Hey your okay. I'm Dakota your new owner.

????: I'm Aleigha.

Me: Nice to meet you and the 2 in the back are Ella and Tuck. And here let me help you up.

So while the light was red I picked Aleigha up off the floor and lied her in the back but then I hear silence.

Me: Hello?

Ella: They are daydreaming.

Me: Oh okay.

Ella: Pay attention you 2!

They then come back in reality and start hesitating and stuttering. And I laugh and we get back home.

Me: Alright so bathroom break then dinner time.

They then howl and we get out of the car.  And they use the bathroom then we go inside for dinner. But after Dinner I get a notification from Puppy Spot that some is giving away a Chocolate Labrador that is my pups' age.

Me: Okay so pups after dinner I'm gonna go pick up our new friend.

Ella: What is it?

Me: It's a male Chocolate Labrador that is your guys age.

Ella: Can I come?

Me: Oh sure. Do you 2 want to go?

Tuck: I'm good.

Aleigha: Me too.

Me: Alright. We will be back.

Tuck: Bye.

Me and Ella then got to my car and I set up a dog seat cover in the front seat.

Me: Okay Ella. You can ride up front.

Ella: Okay.

Me: But you have to wear this dog seatbelt.

Ella: I'm fine with that.

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