Chapter 13

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Dakota's POV:
Ella: Zuma!!!!!! No!!!

Zuma: Ella I'm sorry but I don't think I'm gonna make it. But please don't get stuck up with me. Find someone else to love. Until we see each other again.

Ella: No!!!

I then scare Rufus off then check Zuma's pulse.

Me: I'm sorry Ella.

She then sets and sobs and then the 3 of them go into a howling for Zuma.

Me: I'm sorry to say but we got to get back to the house or im gonna be late for school.

Ella: Okay.

I then carry Zuma to the house and pick him in a bag for now then I will do something special for him when I get home but for now I got to get to school so I cage the other 3 up and go to school but during Spanish I get a very bad surprise. I get an emergency call from my dogs and I answer it and Rufus broke into my room and is trying to rape Ella so I go to the bathroom and call home.

*Phone call*
Mom: Hello.

Me: Hey go to my room someone or something has broke in the key is in the fake outlet by the door.

Mom: Okay.

She checks it o see Rufus so she grabs the gun and shots him, killing him.

Mom: It was fucking Rufus trying to get to your female. But I took care of it. But now you have a mess to clean up.

Me: That's fine. Thank you.

We then hang up and I go back to class.

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