Chapter 40: Mature

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Don't read if you are under 15!!!!

Ella's POV:
I was using the bathroom outside when all of a sudden I feel a muzzle against mine with our lips touching. I then pull away only to get someone holding my mouth shut with their paw. Muffling me. Then I pass out.

(Moments later)

Ella's POV:
I wake up to see I'm in a cave but there is a light and I see a Golden Retriever at the back of the cave and I start growling.

Tuck: Ahh Ella your awake.

He then turns around.

Me: Tuck?!?! What are you doing pup-knapping me like that?

Tuck: Well I've noticed that you are horny and so am I so well maybe we could relieve each other? But if you don't want to then you can leave. By all means.

Ella: Well I am horny and need someone to relieve me and you need relieved so...

I then walk up to him and kiss him then I slowly move my paw to his cock and stroke it making his cock come out of it's hiding spot and he moans in the kiss. I then pull away and stop stroking.

Tuck: So you really want to do this?

Me: Yes. Because I love you.

I then slowly lie down on the ground and lie on my back and Tuck slowly climbs up top of me.

Tuck: Well umm... How do you want to do this?

Me: Well maybe I could do this?
I then slowly side on the ground while underneath Tuck and and start sucking his dick and he moans.

Tuck: Ohhh Ella!!! Oh ya like that!!!! Ohhhh!!

I continue sucking but he then starts thrusting while I suck. Making me moan myself but then I feel something growing largely in my mouth and it gets stuck. So now we are stuck in this position.

Tuck: Hehe sorry sis I guess we were to carried away?

Me: afhjsvkekddvtssu.

But he couldn't understand me with his knot in my mouth, and I just lay my head on the ground pulling on his knot but then I feel him feeling my stomach with his seed while he cums.

Tuck: Ohhhhhh! Sorry sis.

I then feel my stomach and it has a little bulge from all the seed and now I'm full, but after a few minutes his knot shrinks and he pulls out of my mouth then walks backwards so we can get face to face and he sees my head lying on its side with my tongue sticking out because I'm asleep.

Tuck: Ella. Wake up.

I then wake up and see him.

Me: Sorry bro. I got a bit tired but you want to continue?

Tuck: Ya Ive got some more ideas so you can be my bitch tonight.

Me: Okay then bro make me your bro and not your sis. Fuck me!!!

Tuck then starts going down my body and it makes me moan and giggle.

Me: You know I'm ticklish bro stop.

He then reach's my pussy and I feel his nose touch it, and I feel a chill go up my spine and I moan.

Me: Ohh Tuck.

He then starts licking me and touching me inappropriately and I moan louder and howl. But I get close to orgasm and he stops.

Me: Why did you stop bro I was getting ready to cum.

Tuck: I think it's time for some more fun.

As he said that he comes up my body but instead of inserting he roles us around so I'm on top.

Me: Bad bro! Wanting me to ride you!

I joke and kiss him with tongue again. Then I move my ass downward and I feel his dick touch my pussy.

Me: Here it goes.

I then push myself onto his dick and it slides in deeply to my sensitive spot and I cum.

Tuck: Fuck maybe you should of cum before we did this.

Me: Ehh I like this way a lot more.

I then thrust my hips making us both moan and howl and I go faster and faster with every thrust.

Tuck: Ohh Ella your so tight!!!!

Me: And your so big Tuck! Ohhh!!! God!!!!

I then feel Tuck's knot slip inside of me and I try to pull away but it's to late.

Me: Tuck! What are you doing?!?!

Tuck: Sorry Ella instincts.

Me: Oh no!

We then wait for 15 minutes and we leave the cave to find Chase and Aleigha with disgusted faces.

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