Chapter 18

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Brooke's POV:
Me: They are all asleep. So uh let's talk.

Dakota: About what?

Me: Well uh where are we going?

Dakota: Well I guess I can tell you since we are almost there. We are going to the Morgantown Dog Park.

Me: OMG Chase love that place.

Dakota: My pups have never been and I figure I get them on trips to see the world.

We soon arrive and the pups get up and we have our picnic and then we go to the Dog Park for them to play them we realize that Ella and Chase are nowhere to be seen.

Dakota: Hey where is Ella?

Me: And Chase?

Dakota: Stay here.

Dakota's POV:
I look around the park for Chase and Ella then I see a black van with someone holding Ella which is unconscious and they have a dog leash on Chase so I then run up to them.

Me: Excuse me but those dogs belong to me.

Badway: Oh do they now we'll they will be let go at the pound.

Me: No they are coming with me.

I then kick the Chase's leash out the man's hand and release Chase.

Me: Chase. Go get Brooke, Tuck, and Aleigha and if anyone tries to take you then bite, growl and defend yourself.

Chase: Okay but save Ella please.

Me: I will.

I then look at the man and he is putting Ella in the back of the van but I throw a stick between the doors before he closes them so he can't close the door the pick him and throw him on the grass and get Ella out of the van. Then I see the others come up to me and Brooke takes Ella then I turn to the man to see him with a big dog.

Badway: That bitch is coming with me weather this dog has to go through you or not.

Me: Well then I got a bad friend to his name is Zuma.

I then see Zuma sneak behind the man and jump scare him making him and the dog jump into the van and take off the I hear Ella's voice.

Ella: Thank you Zuma. *Cough*

Me: Are you okay?

Ella: Ya. He through Chase on me but I am strong I will survive.

Me: Okay but why did you two leave our sight?

Chase: It's not her fault. It's mine. I thought that there was a kid being kidnapped but it was a trick.

Brooke: It's okay but let's get out of here.

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