Chapter 15

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Tuck's POV:
I can't believe it I'm going to be a father. A father people! But we are getting ready for a walk around some parks so we jump in the car but Dakota has to lift Aleigha because of our puppies in her belly but we soon arrive and start on our walk.

Dakota's POV:
So we were walking at our first location the wildlife center in Elkins but halfway through I see this beautiful girl with a Male German Shepherd trip and fall so I run up to her.

Me: Are you okay?

????: Ya I'm fine.

She then tries to get up but falls again.

????: It hurts way to much.

Me: Okay can I take you to my car I have a first aid kit and bandages in it.

????: Yes please.

I then pick her up and hand her my dogs' leashes.

?????: My name is Brooke. What's yours?

Me: I'm Dakota. Nice to meet you.

We then reach my car an I tie the dogs up to a pole in the ground and lay Brooke on a blanket I lied on the ground and wrap her foot.

Brooke: Thank you so much!

Me: Happy to help and besides it's kinda my job to help heel citizens.

Brooke: So wait your a doctor?

Me: Yes but I'm a professional. But I don't know how when I just graduated med school.

Brooke: Hmm. I'm training to be an assistant nurse for a doctor. So maybe you need an assistant when I graduate.

Me: Sure. And maybe you would like to go out sometime?

Brooke: Sure and how about Saturday?

Me: Sweet and what about a picnic in a nearby field?

Brooke: I love nature so ya and our dogs could play together and get to know each other.

Ella: Dakota can I stay home that day?

Brooke: Wait you have the power to talk to animals too?

Me: Yes and I'm guessing you do too?

Brooke: Ya and my parents think I'm crazy when I talk to Chase and he just barks to them but he speaks English to me.

Me: Me too.

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