Chapter 33

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Dakota's POV:
Me: Okay.

Brooke: Come on gals.

Ella and Aleigha: Okay.

They then leave and me, and Chase leave to get Chase's suit I have planned for him and leave Tuck home alone.

*Time skip*
We then pull into a pet suit store and go in and find Chase a black suit with a dark blue tie and get Tuck a bit of a smaller size of it but has a light blue tie. Then leave.

Brooke's POV:
Me and the girls arrive at the mall and we go in and find Ella and Aleigha beautiful dresses but it take forever to find one for me but eventually we find one and head back to Dakota's house and make plans for what we are going to do next.

*Time skip*
Chase: Are you ready to marry Brooke, Dakota sir?

Me: I'm kinda nervous but yes I'm ready to marry the girl of my dreams. What about you? Are you ready to marry the pup of your dreams?

Chase: Totally.

Me: Well I'm glad 1 of us is on board with this.

Sorry for the shot chapter but the next chapter I have a dedication to someone. I'm also gonna ask them some questions about this story for some ideas. Thanks.

-Tuck is out with COVID. This is Ella. Lol.

JK about Ella. Bye.

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