Chapter 43

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Dakota's POV:

I can't believe Ella and Tuck mated together! And now she's pregnant!!


Me: I'll get it. *Runs to the door and opens it.* Hello? 

????: Hello kid. We are here to pick up your dogs.

Me: What? Why? Who are you?

?????: We are dog protective services and we got reports of you inbreeding your dogs.

Me: In breeding my dogs? I never did that! But they mated before I could catch her heat.

DPS: Exactly now please hand over all dogs!

Me: N...

DPS: If you do not coperate. We will take them forcefully.

Me: I don't understand.

DPS: Just hand over your dogs.

Me: And what if I don't. 

DPS: Your dogs will be taken and you will be charged with animal neglect, resisting, and you will be arrested.

Me:  *Sighs.* Okay let me go get them. *Walks to the living room.* Uh Brooke can I talk to you? In private?

Brooke: Uh ya. Who was at the door?

Me: That's what this is about. *Leads her to the bedroom.*

Brooke: What's up love?

Me: Dog Protective Services are here to take the dogs.

Brooke: Dog Protective Services? Uh that's a fake organization. Did they show you a badge?

Me: N.No. No they didn't.

Brooke: I'll go talk to them.

Me: Okay I'll listen in on the doorbell camera.

Brooke: Okay.

Me: *Pulls up the camera.*

Brooke: *Walks to the door.* Hello there.

DPS: Hi sexy.

Brooke: Excuse me!!!

DPS: Sorry. I'm just here to pick up your dogs.

Brooke: Okay where is your badge? 

DPS: I don't have one.

Brooke: Then your fake!! So get off my property or I get you off myself!!!

DPS: *Hits her in the head.*

Me: Brooke!!!

DPS: *Steps over her body.* Take her to the van boy! I'll get these dogs.

Me: I highly doubt that!!! Get out and let my finacé go or we will have trouble!!!

DPS: Step aside kid. You can't do nothing to me!

Me: Kid!!! *Kicks his genitals.* Let my mom go then! Or you round 2. And you can't touch me since I'm underage!

DPS: You little brat!!

Chase: Ella, Tuck get the kids and Aleigha out of here get to your private spot.

Ella: But what about you.

Chase: I'll be fine! Go!!!

Ella: Okay love.

Chase: *Runs into the living room and sees Dakota cornered by the man.* Ruff!!

DPS: Ohh the main prize delivered itself!! Haha.. *Walks up to Chase with a bag.*

Chase: *Growls then pounces biting the man's nose.*

DPS: Ouch stupid mutt!!!

Me: *Hits him in the head with a frying pan.*

DPS: Ahhh!! *Falls in pain.*

Worker: Boss!! *Runs up to Dakota.*

Chase: *Jumps in front of him. Growling.*

Me: Chase doesn't think thats a good idea. So if you want to get out of here unharmed then you better take me to my finacé.

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