Chapter 14

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Dakota's POV:
When I got home I cleaned up the Rufus mess and then decided to get a coffin made for Zuma and Im going to get a little piece of land an start my pet cemetery. So that's what I did and buried Zuma. Then we went home and remembered that Christmas is next week so I made sure all my presents were ready and they were so I put then out under the tree and Christmas morning my whole family was so happy they loved all their presents and Ella, Tuck and Aleigha loved their new cages, collars, leashes and everything that I got them but by the time February came I had another surprise for them so I put them is my car and went to its location and it was a medium sized house and it had 4 bedrooms in it so I made one my room another room is where the dogs sleep and the others were for random stuff.

Ella: I love the new house Dakota.

Me: I do too and uh Aleigha I know it's rude to ask but is your belly getting bigger?

Aleigha: I think it is.

Me: Roll over for a minute.

Aleigha then rolls over and I feel her stomach and I feel...

Me: Puppies.

Aleigha: But I thought I was spayed.

Me: I thought so to but I guess not.

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