Chapter 32

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Dakota's POV:
Me: I'll tell you inside.

So we walk inside and I call everyone to the living room and Aleigha was about to get her puppies asleep so she joined as well.

Me: So for our wedding I have already chosen your guys roles. Rocky since you have to heal  but can still walk I made this claw arm for you and you can help set things up and pick up trash.

Rocky: I'm up for it.

Me: Great. Ella and Aleigha your our wedding planners.

Ella: Sweet.

Aleigha: Ya.

Me: Tuck you are going to be our security.

Tuck: Tuck is on duty.

Me: We will make a guest list for you so you can make sure no intruders enter the party, and I say that because I think it's time to reveal that we have talking dogs.

Brooke: I was thinking the same thing.

Me: And last Chase. I have a very important question for you.

Chase: What is it?

Me: Well traditional weddings need a first man so Chase will you be my first man?

Chase: Really me? But I have disobeyed you when me and Ella mated and you are still giving me that role?

Me: Chase! Listen. I forgive you for that and besides it's the least I could do for saving my life. But Brooke I need to keep Chase until the wedding day that way I can get him and Tuck their suits.

Brooke: Okay I will take Ella and Aleigha to get their suits.

Me: Okay an why one is out the other parent will watch the little ones.

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