Chapter 10

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Dakota's POV:
When Ella sees me and Aleigha at the door she slowly starts to approach us growling and I hold up the gun and hesitantly shot her leg and she goes to sleep and I fall to the ground crying on her body.

Me: I'm so sorry Ella but I had to do it.

Zuma: So what are you going to do Dakota?

Me: I'm gonna take her to the vet again and see what's wrong with her and hopefully they can cure her and I hop that it is not rabies. But we will see. And Aleigha you need to come too so you can get checked out.

Aleigha: Okay Dakota.

So me and Aleigha get in my car and I put Ella in the back in a cage and we go to the vet. Then me and Aleigha continue our conversation.

Me: So what I was trying to say is yes you and Tuck may mate and have puppies but I am not allowed to keep them so with the price of Golden Retriever puppies we could get $24,000 out of a liter of 6.

Aleigha: I do understand that you can't keep them but as long as me and Tuck can start a family then I am happy.

The after 15 minutes of driving we reach the vets office and I take Ella in in the cage and Aleigha on a leash and then the 1 vet takes Ella and another takes Aleigha. And I was gonna go with Aleigha but she wanted me with Ella so I went with the vet that took Ella and she was diagnosed with a very rare disease. And it was Rage Syndrome so the vet gave her a shot and dad it she starts to swell then bring her back so I agreed and he also told me some things that will occur in the next 3 weeks. So I put Ella back in her cage and I go to Aleigha's room to see them getting ready for a surgery on her.

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