Chapter 2

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Dakota's POV:

Me: I thinks they are twins.

Driver: How did you find them?

Me: I seen the female scratching the door and a man running after her with a gun so I ran clear down the hall got her through the door but he broke the glass and was arrested but I have to pay for the window.

Driver: Why do you have to pay for the door?

Me: I have no idea.

Driver: What are you going to name them?

Me: I don't know but I will figure it out.

But when I get off the bus holding my new friends and I get in the car my mom looks at me with a "What the fuck?" Look.

Me: What?

Mom: Didn't I say I didn't want anymore dogs?

Me: But mom I've had a rough year. I lost  both my boys, my cat so that leaves me with no pet so please let me keep them.

Mom: Fine but your buying the food.

Me: That's fine by me.

So when we got home I took my new puppies to my room and set them down and they played while I set up their cages. Then I got an unexpected surprise.

Me: There you go guys your new cages.

Female: Ya!!!

Male: Ella! Shhh!

I then stand there shocked by what just happened.

Ella: Oops.

Me: You can talk?

Ella: Yes but please don't get rid of us.

Me: Don't worry I will not because that is really cool to have talking dogs but we need to keep it a secret.

Ella: Okay.

Me: So what's your name?

Ella: I'm Ella.

Tuck: And I'm Tuck.

Me: Well I'm your new owner so just call me Dakota.

Ella: Okay. But when do we get fed?

Me: Well I will have to go to the store but if you don't care then you can have a slice of bologna from my fridge just let me get it.

I then get the packet of bologna but realize something.

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