Chapter 35

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Dakota's POV:
After we finish cleaning up I head to my house and Brooke heads to hers to finish packing and soon our house is fully set up.

Ella: Looks great.

Me: That's what I was thinking but now...... Oh no I need to get to work! No no no no. By Brooke love you.

Brooke: Love you.

I then leave and when I get to work the ambulance lights are on and the doors are wide open.

Me: Uh oh.

I then run inside and get to work on the patient.

Paramedic: He was hit by a fast going car doctor.

Me: Okay. And where is my nurse?

Paramedic: She is sick today what do you need done?

Me: okay come over here and apply pressure to this wound while I stitch it.

Paramedic: Okay.

He does as told and I finish that patient and move on to others then I get a phone call.

Me: Hmm Hello.

Theft: Hello is this Dakota Cohen.

Me: Ummmm yes.

Theft: Good so this low life bitch didn't lie to me.

Me: What do you mean?

Theft: I mean your now wife Brooke Cohen.

Me: What have you done to her?

Theft: Well I've tied her to the bed and trapped your mutts in their cages and I'm soon gonna have you if you do not obey.

Me: Fine. What do you want?

Theft: I want my girlfriend back.

Me: How am I supposed to help you get your girlfriend back if I don't even know her?

Theft: Well I'm gonna give you some information about her right now.

Me: Okay.

Theft: Well she owns a German Shepherd mutt, she just got married and her husband is at work.

Me: Ummmm no. I'm not giving you.......

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