Chapter 9

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Dakota's POV:
Aleigha: Well I wanted to know if me and Tuck could mate because I'm in heat and would really love to have puppies with him. And I just didn't know if you were okay with it?

Me: Aleigha. I.....

Then my phone beeps.

Me: Hang on.

I answer the emergency call for the pups to get a hold of me when I'm not around and Tuck is there.

Me: Tuck? What's going on?

Tuck: I don't know. Ella is growling at us and snarling at us and she has red eyes. And we can't do anything because me and Zuma locked ourselves in our cages.

Me: Okay we are on our way.

????: Your not going anywhere.

Me: Rufus? What do you want from us and wait if I can understand you then Im the only person that can talk to dogs!

Rufus: I want that beautiful Golden Retriever for myself even if I have to kill for her.

Me: Okay Aleigha run. And go to Frank the husky but don't get to close.

Aleigha: Okay but what about you?

Me: I'll be fine now go!

She then takes off and Rufus tries to go after her but I stop him then we make eye contact.

Rufus: So you really want a piece of me then here I come.

He then starts running at me so I grab my pepper spray and spray his eyes making him meaner but he can not see so I quickly and quietly run after Aleigha and by the time I get to Frank, Rufus is after me again and when I get to Frank's territory I yell for Frank and he comes running and jumps Rufus with fury and aggression and I grab the gun out of the truck and shot Rufus in the rear and I pull Frank off and Rufus runs away.

Me: Thank you Frank now Aleigha we have to get to the others.

So me an Aleigha run to the house but I grab my trancilizor gun and run to my run and Ella is on top of Tuck's cage tring to bite him until she sees me and Aleigha at the door.

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